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Many have heard, and are very familiar with, the terms “Irish” and “Scottish”, and really don’t know the difference between the two. The Irish and Scots are really the same people except they arrived in Britain two...

We will start this essay by quoting Brenton’s Septuagint at Song of Solomon 5:9-12:


We will continue this subject by quoting Lam. 4:7:

Her [Israelite]...

With the first two installments of this theme we covered many of the benefits of being a pure Caucasian. We find ourselves in a delicate balance with our solar system and environment in many ways, especially our light spectrum, which works with our translucent skin to absorb vitamin D. We should therefore avoid over-covering ourselves with clothing, or applying excessive sun block to frustrate this natural benefit of...

With the first three installments of this theme we covered many of the benefits of being a pure White Caucasian; that we find ourselves in a delicate balance with our solar system and environment. Song 5:10-15 states:



By Clifton A. Emahiser

Many are disillusioned today, believing that it would be a tragedy if one were to be “left behind” at the Second Advent of Yahweh Christ. Actually, just the opposite is true, as he who is “left behind” will be preserved. We will start this discussion by citing Matt. 24:36-42 thusly:


Not only is it the height of insanity to promote this supposition, but it borders on blasphemy! Many mediocre Bible students are aware of the original Temple built by Solomon and the 2nd more humble Temple rebuilt by Zerubbabel after the seventy years of Judah’s captivity in Babylon. But they are entirely oblivious to the Temple which Herod built after tearing down Zerubbabel’s Temple to, and...

That the “Jews” are neither Israel nor Judah may be difficult for some to grasp. With this paper it will be shown that there is an appropriate usage for each of these three terms. Therefore, to use them synonymously (as if all three had the same identical meaning) exhibits gross ignorance on the part of the one speaking or writing with such an inference. It will be demonstrated that the house of Judah is not the house of Israel, nor is...

We have been told by many throughout the years that John 3:16 is the “golden text” of the Bible. But labeling it as such seems to imply it holds priority over all the other verses found in Scripture. Therefore, we must ask, why is this passage elevated above all others, and what is the motivation in support of such a position? In considering such a claim, one must admit that such a stance places all other Biblical passages in a...
