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As I was proceeding with my constructive criticism through Jones’ book, I arrived at the end of page 29 and discovered that pages 30 and 31 were missing. So the reader will understand, several years ago Philip xeroxed his book (evidently selling out all of the books he had printed up) and voluntarily gave me a xeroxed copy of this work. By far, though, Philip Jones’ best work was his ...

This is a subject that I have been needing to address, and address it I will. For about the last two months I have been pondering how I might go about this, and a letter from William Finck to myself he laid it all out very appropriately. Bill has written this same thing to several others, and here is the general outline of those letters (except that the names of those promoting the moslem arabs as our friends are withheld, unless those...

The primary object of this paper is to bring to the fore the word “kind” as used of a race of people, and secondly, as that benevolent nature found inherent with a single lineage of people. You will notice I have used the word “kind” in both of these senses in the above title. The word kind is the root for the word kindred or kind-red. Oddly enough, the New College Edition of The American Heritage Dictionary Of The English Language shows the same...

Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Peopling of Countries, etc. as typeset by him, from: ...

A better question might be: Biblical Canaanites, who are they today? Many are acquainted with the term as used in the Old Testament, and a few occasions in the New, but do they still exist today? And if so, how would we recognize one if we were to meet one of them? The first mention of “Canaan” in Scripture is at Gen. 9:18, as a person. We have to be careful, though, using this designation, as at various times it can mean different...

Our Christian Bibles are racial books from beginning to end, Old and New Testaments alike, including some of the Apocrypha. Today, the Holy Bible of is considered anathema to all the left-wing liberals, who loudly proclaim we must be “politically correct”.

The 1st Amendment states: “...

Imagine yourself being born, and when you took your first breath, you found yourself under a binding legal obligation emanating from your ancestors which you cannot, in any way, annul. As a matter of fact, if you are a member of a certain group of people, you have several contracts by which you must abide which will affect every major phase and all the decisions of your life.

This will be a sequel to my brochure entitled Arabs, Friend Or Foe? I put that flyer together with the help of William Finck with his letter to me August 6, 2006 where Bill stated: “So that you know, this is what I’ve been writing concerning the situation in Palestine, which of course...
