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“Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed.”
We are now going to endeavor to...
As I finished up part one I was saying: All this should prove that even some of the liberal universalists who write these hard to understand lexicons, when it gets right down to the nitty-gritty of original language, cannot avoid the truth of “kindreds” being a family line.
Prepared For Free Internet Access By Clifton A. Emahiser’s Non-Universal Teaching Ministries. With This Work, Rev. Alban Heath Produced A Very Scholarly Composition, But Not Entirely Without Error. Therefore I Have Taken Occasion To Do A Minimal Amount Of Editing To Clarify Certain Portions Of This, His Publication.
There is a scheme going on today to demonize anyone who would use the term “black” in Latin (i.e., nig´er...
As we make our way through Philip Jones’ book with the above title, we (myself and the reader) will find ourselves at variance with some of his faulty premises. Philip is a researcher and scholar par excellence, but he has picked up some excess baggage somewhere along the way. Philip may have read the 1970 book God’s Law...
At the end of paper #2 of this series, it was shown from the Aramaic Targum pseudo-Jonathan that it was not a negro who seduced Eve, but the fallen angel Sammael, at Genesis 4:1:
...At the end of paper #2 of this series, it was shown from the Aramaic Targum pseudo-Jonathan that it was not a negro who seduced Eve, but the fallen angel Sammael, at Genesis 4:1! Some may scoff at the Aramaic Targums, but Aramiac Targum paraphrases...
At the beginning of this series of papers, I did not explain fully my decision to critique the work of Philip Jones, which I will now reveal in greater detail:
When I began researching and writing back in the mid 1990’s, I wrote several short...