2015 Watchman's Teaching Letters

Watchman's Teaching Letter #211 November 2015

This is my two hundred and eleventh monthly teaching letter and continues my eighteenth year of publication. In the last letter, WTL #210, I explained how I finally finished remodeling what was before a garage with a 20 x 20 foot recreation room attached to the garage for my barber business. By the time that I finally got into this newly remodeled building, the long hair of the 1960s was already having a negative effect on the barber trade.

When I originally opened my barber business in Fostoria, Ohio in 1954, I named my establishment, “Emahiser’s Barber Shop”, and worked under that name until about 1965. Of course, I advertised my barber service by this same name. Somehow I had obtained a copy of the Toledo, Ohio telephone book, and glancing through the yellow pages, I noticed that several TV antenna services were adjusting the names of their businesses to be the very first name in both the yellow and white pages. Generally, at that time, the barber business was gradually slowing down, and getting slower, so I theorized that if I could change the name of my business in the Fostoria, Ohio telephone book, my business would be listed first in both the white and yellow pages under “Barbers”. For many years the AAA (American Automobile Association) held that position. I eventually renamed my barber shop “A-1 Barber Service”. To make sure this would be the way my business would be listed, I called the Ohio Bell Telephone business office, and they assured me that my new DBA would place me first, both in the white pages and yellow pages, under “Barbers” in the Fostoria telephone book. People really are not aware of it, but habitually they will pick the first listed business for a service.

Also in WTL #210 I explained ... that the biggest financial break I got was when I was able to sell a portion of my large lot where my barbershop was located on Countyline street (while keeping the portion I needed for my business) to the Marathon Oil Company, for a filling station ... Anyway, according to my records, I paid off all of my debt to the Citizens Savings and Loan Association, Tiffin, Ohio, by March of 1971. With this lesson, I will give the reader a general church affiliation overview of my wife and I, which is quite varied:

Watchman's Teaching Letter #210 October 2015

This is my two hundred and tenth monthly teaching letter and continues my eighteenth year of publication. In the last letter, WTL #209, I explained how I finally moved my barber business from a downtown location in a basement under the Candyland restaurant to a high traffic area on a four-lane street in a residential district. Not only did the greater part of my established patronage follow me to my new location, but I gained a substantial amount of new business from the surrounding neighborhood. In addition to that, I started to get commuter business from other cities, such as traveling salesmen, repairmen, or a couple of dozen other occupations working out of pickup trucks, delivery trucks, farm trucks and vans of all sorts, too numerous to mention here. After all, Countyline street was a main thoroughfare for U.S. route 23 and State route 199. In years past, all of that transit business had to pass through the downtown district, but after underpasses were built beneath all of Fostoria’s many railways, that traffic was transferred to Countyline street. However, if they ever build a bypass around Fostoria, as they often suggest doing, that business advantage will dry up to some extent. But that has not happened in the last seventy years, and doesn’t appear likely anytime soon.

Here I was with a heavy workload in the barber business, plus a home to finish up, plus a building to remodel for my barber business at my Countyline street location. Looking back at 1962 and 1963, it amazes me that I was doing so well in temporary quarters in the kitchen of that old rundown house. But things were about to change for the worse. There were two forces that would bring this about:

(1) I was not immediately aware of it, but about that same time large incorporated drugstore chains were starting to enfranchise barbershops within their drugstores to draw new customers to their branches by offering quick barber services at a very reduced price, though the service was usually quite inferior in nature. Up until that time, the barber and beautician were usually locally owned as a proprietorship. Occasionally, I would have a customer who would brag when they were vacationing in Florida, California, or some other state having these drugstore barbershops, they could get immediate service at any time of the day, and for half the price that the Fostoria barbers were charging. It was obvious those Edomite-jew owned huge drugstore chains didn’t give a damn about the barber business, but was only using the barbers to draw people to their damnable pharmacies.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #209 September 2015

This is my two hundred and ninth monthly teaching letter and continues my eighteenth year of publication. In the last letter, WTL #208, I was explaining how it took me two years in my own barber business to get well enough established in Fostoria, Ohio to start living comfortably. During these same two years I actually sacrificed about one year in lost income, in comparison to what I would have earned at the Hotel Barber Shop in Bowling Green, Ohio for that period.

By 1956 between my wife’s income from working in the office at the Seneca Wire Mill Company, along with my receipts from barbering, we were doing well enough that we were starting to consider building ourselves a house, but we weren’t doing well enough financially to buy a house already built. So our only other alternative was to buy a lot and build a house, portion by portion, as we could afford it. Again, we were working on a shoestring, so to speak. We started by purchasing a lot in an area that others, at the time, wouldn’t consider, but we took a chance that in the future the area would be built up with new homes, and that is what happened. So we paid $100 down on a lot, and $25 a month until it was paid for. We then found out if the lot was paid for, we could get a ready-cut house for 10% down, and Sterling Homes would finance and send most of what we needed, except for the foundation, plumbing, wiring, and concrete. We got up the 10%, and we were on our way, but I had to build the house myself.

That meant that I had to rearrange my hours at my barber business to gain the time I needed to build our house, and I had to gamble that my business wouldn’t suffer all that much. I was in the barber’s union at that time, and all the other union barbers in town were working from 8.00 A.M. until 6.00 P.M. five days a week, plus Wednesday from 8.00 A.M. until 12.00 noon. Before this time I had chosen to close to all day on Wednesday, making it a five day week for me. I found out by closing all day Wednesday, the greater part of the usual Wednesday customers would show up on Thursday. So I decided to start opening up four full days a week, being closed all day on Monday and all day Wednesday. It worked as I had gambled it would, as the greater part of the usual Monday customers showed up on Tuesday.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #208 August 2015

This is my two hundred and eighth monthly teaching letter and continues my eighteenth year of publication. In the last letter, WTL #207, I was explaining why it was necessary for me to get away from Dick Brimner, a barber for whom I had formerly worked. He had about two or three dozen of what I considered cute little play-pretty pornographic stories which he repeated word for word twenty to thirty times a day. And this continued day after day, and week after week! Whichever story he started with in the morning, that story would be repeated to each one of his customers throughout that particular day. Had I not cut all ties with him, I would have ended up in an insane asylum.

By chance, I was given the opportunity to sell Knapp shoes on a part time basis, and things went so well I thought I might be able to make a full time business out of it. I finally cut the cord with Brimner and gave it a whirl, but I kept my eye open for where I might find a job in a barbershop that had a very active business. I found a barbering job in Findlay, Ohio that looked promising, and worked there for a while, when I heard of an opportunity in Bowling Green, Ohio, located near the State College, and at that time having such a location was ideal. But after I was at Bowling Green a few months, the State College tried to force us to service negroes (i.e., n-words), and that went against the grain. Right about that same time, a position opened up in Fostoria, Ohio at a two-chair barbershop where an employee barber had quit, and the barber-owner-manager had run for mayor of Fostoria. He won the election, so he would only be barbering half days. That meant I could walk into an already established business and I would have to service a goodly percentage of that traffic flow. Not only that, but I was in my home town! However, in my off hours and evenings, I continued selling Knapp shoes and other items of clothing.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #207 July 2015

This is my two hundred and seventh monthly teaching letter and continues my eighteenth year of publication. In the last lesson, WTL #206, I explained how I contracted scarlet fever, and when I went to sickbay they couldn’t diagnose it. I will repeat here what I said in WTL #205: By this time I was becoming quite desperate, and decided to return to sickbay a fourth time. I began to realize that I was running a much higher temperature than they were getting at sickbay, as walking a third of a mile in zero degree weather was dropping my body temperature. This time, while walking to sickbay, I made up my mind I was going to watch every move they made, to see if I could get some attention. After entering sickbay once more, I had to get into that same line leading to some male medical assistants, where they would check some of the basic bodily functions. This time I noticed they were giving some of the men going through the line a slip of paper, and those men would in turn then go to another line and would be seen by a fullfledged doctor; so after I was given another light duty bunk exemption, I went over to the doctor’s line, and I had to stand in that line quite some time. I was the last one in line, so when I finally got to a doctor, I told him, ‘I don’t have a slip to see you, but I am sick!’ Right away he asked me to expose my stomach, and he replied, “You have scarlet fever! Go over here in this side room where there is a couch, and you may lie down and rest until the ambulance arrives to take you to the main hospital”! I didn’t realize it at the time, but I would spend seven weeks at that hospital, and it would become yet another major turning point in my life.

What I omitted to tell my readers is why my stay at the Naval hospital turned out to be seven weeks, which I will now proceed to tell:

Since I was sick with the scarlet fever for several days in my barracks, and then treated for three weeks at the Great Lakes Naval hospital, plus another four weeks due to a relapse, my suffering from catching scarlet fever would total about eight weeks in all in order to return to my company fully cured.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #206 June 2015

This is my two hundred and sixth monthly teaching letter and continues my eighteenth year of publication. In the last lesson, WTL #205, I left off by explaining how I joined the Navy and ended up at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center in northern Illinois, and how after only a month into my basic training, I got sick with the scarlet fever and ended up in the hospital for seven weeks.

Other than that, one of the very first things they did was to put us through a series of IQ tests. I was hoping to get into some kind of radio training. In part of the IQ test, they wanted to see how much of the International Morse code we might know. They sent the sound of the dots and dashes through a speaker, and very slowly sent Morse code for a few words to see if we could read them or not. As I, on my own time, had been practicing the Morse code for my self, I was able to read, and write down the words being sent. At that time, the Navy scheduled me for Radio Signal School. But as the fortunes of war were changing, the demand for Radio Signal operators was declining, so they rescheduled me for just plain Signal school consisting of flashing lights and semaphore. When VE day came, and the war ended in Europe, the quota for the flashing light and semaphore signal-men was drastically reduced. So the Navy took the cream of the crop, and let the remainder continue living in the school barracks until the time when that particular class ended. I think what the armed forces were really doing was reserving us in case they might need us for some area where they might want to beef up their forces. As it turned out suddenly in August of 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the war with Japan was over.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #205 May 2015

This is my two hundred and fifth monthly teaching letter and starts my eighteenth year of publication. This will be the third in a series explaining how key experiences in my life would eventually lead me to my Christian Israel Identity ministry.

I explained in WTL #204 how in junior high, I got acquainted with a classmate who was much like myself and introduced me to how a radio tube worked and showed me how to read radio circuit diagrams, which immediately spurred my interest into becoming a shortwave radio operator, which I soon learned I couldn’t afford. Radio repair also crossed my mind. In the late 30s and early 40s there were neither television nor high fidelity FM (with or without stereo)! All we had were the AM radio band and several shortwave bands broadcasting voice or the International Morse code. If we wanted to listen to recorded music, all we had was a 78 RPM record player with a windup motor. Even then, there were large phonograph record stores which specialized in jungle-jazz, and the latest songs on the hit parade, starring blacks and Edomite-jews from Broadway in New York or Hollywood. Like all the other forms of the media, the phonograph record business was controlled by these same people.

What I did find that I could afford, was to build a homemade crystal set. At last I had everything ready to give it a try. After a few pokes, a radio station came in loud and clear. Now I could listen to my favorite country and western music (along with a limited amount of classical, and some of the better religious hymns). I also dearly love Irish music! I was tired of listening to jungle jazz and the hit parade where they would slur nearly every word and note of a so-called song from beginning to the end.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #204 April 2015

This is my two hundred and fourth monthly teaching letter and completes my seventeenth year of publication. To get started with this lesson, I will repeat a paragraph from near the end of WTL #203:

This move back into the Perry Center school district proved to be yet another obstacle to my learning. The teacher in the brick building accommodating grades five through eight was a man by the name of Mr. Ralph Banks. Banks was an odd appearing person with a strong square jaw with very thick black hair. He might have passed for a white person in some circles, but he surely wasn’t an Anglo-Saxon. From what I can remember of his features, I would estimate he had a touch of Arab blood, or maybe even a Jew. Banks generally did well in presenting his lessons, but at test-time he would use tricky questions in order to deceive the students into answering the questions incorrectly. I don’t know what kind of euphoric feeling he got by doing that, but he seemed ecstatic in doing it, and his ecstasy would show up on the students grade cards as a lowered grade.

Among my more recent evaluations of Mr. Ralph Bank’s actions is that he might have been suffering from a wee amount of egomania, caused by an inferiority complex (a fear of anyone who might appear superior, and thus be a threat to Banks’ own inferiority). If such a thing could exist, the one suffering from egomania would do everything in his power to cut his assumed competitor down in the sight of others. As the head teacher, Banks had the power of the pen, and he could write down anywhere from “A+” to “F-” at his will.

Before I get too far ahead of my story, I need to pause and take the time to explain how the public grade and high schools operated between 1920 and 1940. Earlier, most of the students attending school didn’t intend to go beyond the eighth grade. By that time the boys were needed on the farm full time, and for the girls, being about 16, it was time to think about getting married and raising a family. As a matter of fact, the Perry Center school district was still holding eighth grade graduation ceremonies (which included an eighth grade diploma), up until the 1940-1941 school-year, at a church about one mile south of the Perry Center school, with the fifth, sixth and seventh grade students invited.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #203 March 2015

This is my two hundred and third monthly teaching letter and continues my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.

At this juncture, I have decided to discontinue this series, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and give the reader some of the background of my personal life instead, as “the marriage supper of the Lamb” (Rev. 19:9) might lead to a lot of unnecessary conjecture.

It is my desire here to witness to how my eyes became opened to the message of Christian Israelite Identity. Since learning that my origins are from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (renamed Israel), and predominantly of the tribe of Judah, I came to the realization that I was born blind to my inheritance, and now find myself in a community of several White Israelite nations who are likewise blind to their Christian Israelite Identity. I have become aware that when any White mixes their genetics with a nonwhite alien, the half-breed child from that union is the unforgivable sin, and must be severed from the pure White members of that family! (See, e.g., Ezra 9 and 10 and Neh. 10.)

My first memories are when I was about three years old. As I was born in 1927, the Great Depression of 1929 was under way for about a year. What I have been told by the various members of my family is that my father had a good job at the Union Carbide Company in Fostoria, Ohio, and had he not quit that job, after being encouraged by my grandfather Keiser to be hired out to a contractor building houses, my father would have had at least a three-day-a-week job with the Union Carbide Company during the Depression. As it was, my father had to work at some not-so-pleasant, low-paid tasks whenever or however he might find one, as the construction business had gone to hell.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #201 January 2015

This is my two hundred and first monthly teaching letter and continues my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE REMARRIAGE (i.e., Second Advent):

In WTL lesson #’s 199 and 200, we dwelt on the passage at Isaiah 4:1 which states: “And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.”

I am still of the opinion that we are now living in the age when this prophecy will be fulfilled, as before WW II, the conditions didn’t exist where a woman could “... eat [her] own bread, and wear [her] own apparel ...” The way society is now going, it appears that Isaiah 4:1 will not be fulfilled until after the Second Advent of Christ, as it seems that we never learn anything until after-the-fact!


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