2014 Watchman's Teaching Letters

Watchman's Teaching Letter #200 December 2014

This is my two hundredth monthly teaching letter and continues my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

In the last lesson, WTL #199, I found that there was more to the subject of Isaiah 4:1 than I anticipated, so I left off with the question, “(Isa. 4:1?)”, which reads:

And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #199 November 2014

This is my one hundred and ninety-ninth monthly teaching letter and continues my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

Before we become too enthused about the “reconciliation”, we really need to look into the past when the greater part of Israel and Judah became so pagan that the Almighty Yahweh pronounced a death penalty on all the twelve tribes, save a small remnant. It is repeated at Jer. 15:1-3, where it is written:

1 Then said Yahweh unto me, Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my mind could not be toward this people: cast them out of my sight, and let them go forth. 2 And it shall come to pass, if they say unto thee, Whither shall we go forth? then thou shalt tell them, Thus saith Yahweh; Such as are for death, to death; and such as are for the sword, to the sword; and such as are for the famine, to the famine; and such as are for the captivity, to the captivity. 3 And I will appoint over them four kinds, saith Yahweh: the sword to slay, and the dogs to tear, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the earth, to devour and destroy.”

Jeremiah was prophesying about Judah and Jerusalem, and so is Isaiah in his chapters 3 and 4. Therefore, I would like to zero-in on Isaiah 4:1 where it states:

Watchman's Teaching Letter #198 October 2014

This is my one hundred and ninety-eighth monthly teaching letter and continues my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

Before we proceed much further on “reconciliation” (i.e., redemption), we should address the false teachings of “original sin” and “celibacy”, in order to avoid any misconceptions of true Biblical context. While William Guy Carr was quite an accomplished historian, he drags roman catholic doctrines of “original sin” and “celibacy” into his THE CONSPIRACY To Destroy All Existing Governments And Religions (while at the same time, coming quite close to the truth, though not without error, concerning the Satanic sexual seduction of Eve at Gen. 3:15), pp. 4-9:

... The Luciferians therefore rely upon their ability to lie to and deceive those they plan to enslave body, mind, and soul, into believing anything but the truth. That is the reason Christ referred to the Synagogue of Satan, who direct the Luciferian conspiracy upon this earth as ‘Sons of the Devil, whose lusts ye shall do. He was a murderer from the beginning. He knows not the truth because the truth is not in Him.’ We must also remember that the words ‘Synagogue of Satan’ do not, repeat not, mean the Jews [sic Judahites] because Christ also made it perfectly clear that the Synagogue of Satan ‘Are those who call themselves Jews, but are not, and do lie.’ The Synagogue of Satan is composed of men and women of many nationalities which have their origin in Cain, Eve’s son. My knowledge of the Luciferian Creed has been acquired by reading all the literature I could obtain dealing with the subject and by reading and studying translations of the writings of his Eminence Caroy Rodriguez, Cardinal of Santiago, Chile. I pass on that knowledge in order that you may decide the issue one way or the other.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #197 September 2014

This is my one hundred and ninety-seventh monthly teaching letter and continues my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE REMARRIAGE (i.e., The Second Advent):

There is so much confusion concerning Yahweh’s original marriage to the twelve tribes of Israel at Mount Sinai; only to be divorced later for her unfaithfulness (in which case Yahweh’s own law forbade a remarriage forever). All the twelve tribes found themselves hopelessly separated from Yahweh without remedy! The only way out of the predicament was if one of the spouses were to die, it left the surviving spouse free to remarry. Inasmuch as Yahweh had the ability to arise from the dead, He volunteered to sacrifice Himself on the cross for His Cinderella bride. This lawfully allowed Yahweh to come as Yahshua, in the flesh, and purchase back His Covenant people, and absolutely no one else! However, though all the White Adamic race will be in the Resurrection, only the twelve tribes of Israel will be remarried!

Watchman's Teaching Letter #196 August 2014

This is my one hundred and ninety-sixth monthly teaching letter and continues my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and ever since have been expanding on its seven stages: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

Before we go much farther with this theme, it would be well to clearly distinguish three separate entities, whom many mistake for one, (1) the house of Israel, (2) the house of Judah, and (3) the converso Edomites who submitted to circumcision about 130 B.C., from whence Judaism arose (Josephus’ Antiq.,13:9:1, plus footnote in the Whiston edition, printed by Kregel), whom Christ will destroy rather than marry. It is imperative here that we comprehend some of the underhanded, vile schemes the Edomite-jews planned and executed in the past, and will use against us again in the future if they get a chance! To demonstrate the inconceivably malignant mind of the Edomite-jew, I will quote from The International Jew, a one volume work prepared by Gerald L.K. Smith, abridged from the 4-volume original as published by the industrial leader, Henry Ford Sr., which originally appeared as periodicals in The Dearborn Independent, published by the Ford Motor Co. I will cite from chapter 7, which I have edited to read “How The [Edomite-]Jews Use Power”. We must note that unfortunately, Ford took it for granted that the Edomites were of Judah I will likewise amplify through editing the portion cited to improve the reader’s perspective of the text found at pages 94-109:

Watchman's Teaching Letter #195 July 2014

This is my one hundred and ninety-fifth monthly teaching letter and continues my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

While we are on the subject of “reconciliation”, it will be well to review an essay I wrote some years ago:


With this essay, we are going to scrutinize a spurious, non-Biblical doctrine called, “universalism.” The idea of “universalism” actually started with the Edomite-jews and, therefore, falls under the category of “the leaven of the Pharisees.” Later, this doctrine was adopted by the “universal” Catholic Church (a church that assigns genetically pure White Israelites to a burning purgatory, while mollycoddling the worst kind of impure mamzer [i.e., crossbred bastard] sewer people among their congregation). Today, “universalism” is taught generally throughout all the mainstream churches of all denominations. One surely would think that such a doctrine would not be found in Israel Identity, for upon discovering our heritage as Israelites, we would understand we are the only people of the Book. Unfortunately, there are those who have dragged this “mainstream” Pharisaical doctrine into the Israel Identity Message. Foremost among these are Stephen E. Jones and Jory S. Brooks.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #194 June 2014

This is my one hundred and ninety-fourth monthly teaching letter and continues my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

While we are on the fervent subject of the genetic lineage of Yahweh-in-the-flesh, it might be appropriate to expand on who are genetically pure and who are not. This is important, as only a kinsman can redeem a kinsman by Biblical law, Lev. 25:25; Psalm 111:9; Psalm 130:7; Luke 1:68-74; Eph. 1:7 (CNT).

Lev. 25:25: “If thy brother be waxen poor, and hath sold away some of his possession, and if any of his kin come to redeem it, then shall he redeem that which his brother sold.”

Psalm 111:9: “He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name.”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #193 May 2014

This is my one hundred and ninety-third monthly teaching letter and starts my seventeenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

While we are on the subject of “reconciliation”, it would be well to analyze the genetic lineage of Yahweh-in-the-flesh, whom we twelve tribes of Israel are about to remarry. This is something that all proposed parties to a marriage should seriously consider, especially the parents and grandparents of the betrothed, for each nuptial ancestor and descendant deserves a pureblooded offspring, kind-after-kind in the line of Adam. For this, I am going to review some important Biblical facts that I researched for a brochure entitled The Genealogy Of Yahshua The Messiah, date, Jan. 17, 2000:

THE CURSE OF JECONIAH (a.k.a. Jehoiachin or Coniah)

To understand what the curse of Jeconiah was, and is still all about, I am going to quote from the Believer’s Bible Commentary by William MacDonald, page 1204: “Of interest, too, is the mention of a king named Jeconiah. In Jeremiah 22:30, Yahweh pronounced a curse on this man:

Thus says Yahweh:

Write this man down as childless,

A man who shall not prosper in his days;

For none of his [male] descendants shall prosper,

Sitting on the throne of David,

And ruling anymore in Judah.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #192 April 2014

This is my one hundred and ninety-second monthly teaching letter and completes my sixteenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

With WTL lessons 190 & 191, we summarized the nine covenants that Yahweh made with Adam-man, and how Yahweh miraculously resurrected Sarah’s dead womb back to life again, resulting in all of her down-line descendants being born “free” rather than as “bond slaves”. Thus, Sarah played just as important a role in the Covenant as Abraham did. As a matter of fact Ishmael, Abraham’s first son by Hagar, was rejected because he was born after the “flesh” rather than after the “Spirit”, as Isaac was. (See Gal. 4:22-31.) Therefore, all we Israelites who are descended from Sarah should be very thankful to Yahweh for this special God-given privilege (an especial benefit granted as an advantage of favor). Knowing all of this, how can any White Anglo-Saxon Israelite of the twelve tribes dishonor this “advantage of favor”, the privilege of being “born free”, and then throw this “God-given privilege” to the wind by committing miscegenation? Yet, since Ed Sullivan introduced the Beatles on television in 1964, our impressionable, immature White Israelite men and women (mostly women) started to mix their genetics with alien nonwhites on a gargantuan scale! Data is found at the following website:

Watchman's Teaching Letter #191 March 2014

This is my one hundred and ninety-first monthly teaching letter and continues my sixteenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

With the last lesson, WTL #190, we were reviewing an essay I had written several years ago entitled Nine Covenants With Adam-man. With this lesson, I will continue where I left off in that lesson:

2 Peter 3:6-7: “Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” (See also: Ob. 18; Ezk. 39:6, 9; Mt. 13:42)

Watchman's Teaching Letter #190 February 2014

This is my one hundred and ninetieth monthly teaching letter and continues my sixteenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.


THE RECONCILIATION (i.e., Redemption):

With the last lesson, WTL #189, we discontinued the larger portion of our research concerning the subject of “divorce”, and started the subject of “reconciliation”. The subject of “reconciliation” should not be confused with the topic of “salvation” as “reconciliation” and “salvation” are two entirely separate matters! “Redemption” carries with it the concept of purchasing back something one once owned. For a good definition of our subject, I will cite The Popular And Critical Bible Encyclopedia And Scriptural Dictionary, ©1904, vol. 3, p. 1433:


1. To redeem is to buy back persons or things formerly sold, by paying a due price for them (Lev. xxv:25).

2: To deliver from distress and bondage, by the exertion of great power and love (Deut. vii :5; xxxii:6).

3. To deliver men from the broken law, sin, Satan, an evil world, death, and hell, by the price of Jesus’ obedience and suffering, and by means of the enlightening and sanctifying power of his Spirit (Luke i:68; Gal. iv:4, 5; Tit. ii :I4 ; 1 Pet. i:I9), they are ‘redeemed from the earth,’ from among carnal men, and ‘to God,’ into a state of fellowship with, and voluntary subjection to him (Rev. v:9; xiv:3).

4. To ‘redeem time’ is, under the conviction of misspending much of it, to double our diligence in the improvement of what remains for us (Eph. v:16). The children of Israel are called ‘the redeemed of the Lord’ [sic Yahweh] (Isa. xxxv:9; lxii:12), as returning from Babylonian captivity. (See REDEEMER; REDEMPTION.)

Watchman's Teaching Letter #189 January 2014

This is my one hundred and eighty-ninth monthly teaching letter and continues my sixteenth year of publication. Since WTL #137, I have been continuing a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told, and have been expanding on its seven stages ever since: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage.



With the last lesson, WTL #188, I repeated an article I had previously written, The Insane Doctrine of Personal Salvation vs. Covenant Theology, #1. With this lesson I will repeat part #2 of the same paper:

The doctrine of “personal salvation”, as promoted by nominal churchianity, is founded on the false premise that somehow Christ came to sacrifice Himself on the cross to give the whole world, no matter what race, an opportunity to decide whether or not they want to accept Him and enjoy the benefits of His Covenant. Such an assumption immediately makes Yahweh a 2nd class god! Poor old God, can’t do anything right!

As I demonstrated in paper #1 on this subject, if one will only read John 15:13-17; John: 6:44-45, 65; & 1 John 4:9-10, he will discover that it is Yahweh in the flesh (as Yahshua) who does the “choosing”, “drawing” and “loving”, and He chose only Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and his twelve sons, and their offspring. Therefore, it is impossible to have both “personal salvation” and “Covenant Theology” in the same Bible!

Now, I won’t condemn any White Israelite who has made a decision for Christ, but I would remind him that Yahweh in the flesh (as Yahshua) decided on him when He purchased him on the cross, before he ever made such a determination! Nominal churchianity would have us believe that we first accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior, and after we have done so, then second, He will purchase us. That elevates man’s decision over and above Yahweh’s decision! That’s why I said, “that makes Yahweh a 2nd class god!”


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