THE PROBLEM WITH ISAIAH 17:10 By: Clifton A. Emahiser
Many have inquired concerning parts of Paul’s epistle to the Galataians, and especially in chapter 3. Here we present the entire epistle, from my edition of The Letters of Paul, hoping to shed light on various matters. While there is no space here for which to explain many of the methods employed in the translation, they are explained extensively in the full volume. Space does allow us to provide one of the footnotes, that for v. 3:16, found at the end of this document. A companion essay demonstrating Paul’s use of “Anointed” for the children of Israel shall soon follow.
Here is a topic that hardly anyone cares to address for a lack of knowledge on the subject! To kickstart this topic, I will cite Jeremiah 43:4-7 thusly:
“... ...
There are an age-long kaleidoscope of concepts on this subject, some like the Sadducees, who reject the very existence of angels (Acts 23:8). This is a very extensive topic, and will require several papers to resolve all of the difficulties we are bound to encounter.
Since paper #’s 3, 4 & 5 of this series, I have been working under the premise that:
“... The only thing that I can imagine is, Yahweh must have given His male angels all of the abilities of His male creations, except...
In paper #10 of this series, I demonstrated how the fallen angels of Gen. 6:4 had sexual relations with the daughters of Adam-man, producing giants [i.e.,...
In paper #10 of this series, I demonstrated how the fallen angels of Gen. 6:1-4 had sexual relations with the daughters of Adam-man, producing giants [i.e., Nephilim, meaning “fallen ones”]. In 1936, there was a giant born to Edomite-jewish parents in Tel Aviv who later immigrated to...
We will begin this second part of our theme by citing the 1894 9th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 2, p. 25, under the title “Angel” [with some corrections in brackets] where it states in part:
...As I was nearing the end of paper #2, I was discussing the visibility and the invisibility of angels, and of Yahshua Christ in His resurrected body – which is the kind of immortal body we will receive in our next life. Whether or not, in our new immortal bodies, we will be able to disappear and, then reappear at our own discretion in a different location is not fully clear. If such should be the case, our present...
As I was nearing the end of paper #3, I was discussing the possibility of the fallen angels using synthetic opiates from some type of vegetation to jump-start their sexual desire, which I have updated thusly:
“It may be...
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