This is my two hundred and twenty-second monthly teaching letter and continues my nineteenth year of publication. I am continuing my resolution to do a series of lessons providing clarifying criticism of Howard B. Rand’s books, tracts and articles published in his Destiny Magazine, which includes several guest writers of varying degrees in excellence. Although I rate Rand and his associate writers only 50%, some of their articles are simply outstanding.
With this lesson, I will start a critical review of a series entitled “The Book Of The Kingdom” found in Destiny magazines from January, 1949 until April, 1952, in 24 chapters, yet oddly enough Rand does not identify an author. He may have written it all himself, or it might have been a team effort by him and some of his associate writers. So, even if Rand wrote it, or if by the help of others, at least he approved of it and is responsible for it (and it will be edited):
“The Book Of The Kingdom,Destiny, January 1949:
Chapter I of XXIV, “Crossing The Jordan River”:
“TheBookof Joshua begins with the account of Israel entering the Promised Land. Joshua means Jehovah saves or Jehovah, the Saviour. In Greek the name means Jesus. Referring to Joshua in the New Testament, the writers call him Jesus (see Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8). It is perhaps not without significance that Joshua (i.e., Jesus) led Israel from the wilderness over the Jordan River into the Promised Land, bringing them into possession of their inheritance there. In this Joshua was a type of the Coming One, Jesus Christ, who is yet to lead His people into a land of promise when, at the close of the present age, we pass into the new order of the ages.”
Critical note by Clifton A. Emahiser: The pronunciation “Jehovah” was unknown until 1520 A.D., when it was introduced by the catholic monk, Galatinus, (Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon.)It was a failed Latinized attempt to transliterate the Hebrew Tetragrammaton, Yahweh! Yahshua Christ had the same identical name as Joshua (i.e., Yahshua), as there was no “J” in any language before the 1500’s A.D. Actually, the name “Jesus” is a mistransliteration of Joshua (i.e., Yahshua). Evidently, Howard B. Rand and associates never learned the real truth about the Hebrew Tetragrammaton! Matthew Henry, in his 6-volume Commentary, vol. 2, p. 2 says the following in part:
“... Though Joshua is not expressly mentioned in the New Testament as a type of Christ, yet all agree that he was a very eminent one. He bore our Saviour’s name, as did also another type of him, Joshua the high priest, Zech. vi. 11, 12. The LXX., giving the name of Joshua a Greek termination, call him all along ‘ee-ay-sooce’, Jesus, and so he is called in Acts vii. 45, and Heb. iv. 8. Justin Martyr, one of the first writers of the Christian church (Dialog. cumTryph. p. mihi 300), makes that promise in Exod. xxiii. 20, ‘My angel shall bring thee into the place I have prepared’, to point at Joshua; and these words, ‘My name is in him’, (v. 21)to refer to this, that his name should be the same with that of the Messiah. It signifies, He shall save. Joshua saves God’s people from the Canaanites; our Lord Jesus saves them from their sins. Christ, as Joshua, is the captain of our salvation, a leader and commander of the people, ‘to tread Satan under their feet’, to put them in possession of the heavenly Canaan, and to ‘gave them rest’, which (it is said, Heb. iv. 8) Joshua did not.”] – Back to Rand & Destiny.