2006 Watchman's Teaching Letters

Watchman's Teaching Letter #104 December 2006


This is my one hundred and fourth monthly teaching letter and continues my ninth year of publication. Starting with WTL #88 we have been continuing a series defending the apostle Paul from the horrendously false charges that are being hurled at his epistles, and these accusations have their origins among the lowest moral sources one can imagine. Now if you are approached by a person promoting Paul-bashing, be prepared to give that person a quick and solid Scriptural answer so that he/she will never bring up the subject to you again. As 2 Tim. 4:2 instructs, “... be instant in season, out of season ...”

Refer that person expeditiously to Rev. 2:1-7, where Christ Himself commends the assembly at Ephesus for their “works”, “labor”, “not bearing them which are evil”, “putting on trial false and lying apostles”, “borne with patience and labored for Yahshua’s name, fainting not.” Point out posthaste that the only mark Yahshua had against them was that they had “lost their first love”, which indicates that when Paul founded the assembly at Ephesus, at its inception, their love was not wanting. Thus in Christ’s own (red-letter) words, He gave Paul a perfect score for his effort. Ask this would-be Paul-basher: “Could you do as well as Paul?” Maybe one ought commit Rev. 2:1-7 to memory so one might be “instant” with or without a Bible at hand. In short, the would-be Paul-basher must call Yahshua Christ a liar in order to support his/her theory. We shall now resume William Finck’s narration against the anti-Paulists:

Here again we shall continue to address the second of Clayton Douglas’ Paul-bashing articles, SAUL OF TARSUS AND HIS DOCTRINE OF LAWLESSNESS, which he published in the January, 2004 edition of his Free American Newsmagazine. Douglas, while attempting to discredit Paul of Tarsus, instead consistently discredits his own person by making all sorts of false accusations and inconsistent statements. And, while claiming to be a Christian, he even rejects the cardinal tenets of Christianity found throughout the prophets and confirmed by the gospels: that Yahshua Christ was the Messiah and Redeemer of our race. While in this second article Douglas often merely repackages the trash he spewed in his first article, which I hope to have already discussed sufficiently, he does add new twists and additional claims as he proceeds, and so this second article must also be addressed in its entirety.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #103 November 2006


This is my one hundred and third monthly teaching letter and continues my ninth year of publication. Starting with WTL #88 we have been continuing a series defending the apostle Paul from the horrendously false charges that are being hurled at his epistles, and these accusations have their origins among the lowest moral sources one can imagine. Let’s reassert here what had been presented first in WTL #96, p.4, that Yahshua Christ Himself highly praised the Ephesian assembly at Rev. 2:1-8, of which Paul was the founder. Inasmuch as that assembly had lost its first love surely shows they had a high degree of love at their inception with Paul’s leading. Based upon this passage, either Yahshua Christ is a liar or the Paul-bashers are liars, and one can’t have it both ways! If the Paul-bashers are correct, Yahshua Christ did us a great disservice at Rev. 2:1-8, or if Yahshua Christ is correct, all the Paul-bashers are doing us a momentous disservice, reminiscent of the early centuries! We will now again continue this subject with William Finck:

Here we shall continue our address of the second of Clayton Douglas’ Paul-bashing articles, SAUL OF TARSUS AND HIS DOCTRINE OF LAWLESSNESS, which he published in the January, 2004 issue of his Free American Newsmagazine. While I already hope to have fully demonstrated on many occasions that Clayton Douglas’ accusations against Paul of Tarsus are all vain and empty, that none of them stand upon examination, yet all of Douglas’ two articles on this topic must be addressed, for we would not want to leave anything out. While many of the arguments Douglas makes in this second article are just repackaged from his first, he does add new material and raise some new issues. Now we shall continue with Douglas’ article where we left off last month:

Watchman's Teaching Letter #102 October 2006


This is my one hundred and second monthly teaching letter and continues my ninth year of publication. Starting with WTL #88 we have been continuing a series defending the apostle Paul from the horrendously false charges that are being hurled at his epistles, and these accusations have their origins among the lowest moral sources one can imagine. One should be ashamed to use such satanic sources, yet the Paul-bashers take pleasure in employing them. The anti-Paulists should feel further shame inasmuch as Christ Himself praised the assembly at Ephesus, at Rev. 2:1-8, that Paul founded! It is obvious, when one considers Yahshua Christ’s own words here, that when one bashes Paul, one is personally spitting on Christ in the same manner that the bad-fig “Jews” did. It is obvious that when one bashes Paul, one is bashing Yahshua Christ Himself! Are these anti-Paulists not humble enough to eat their own errant words which will be burned at the judgment? We shall now continue this subject with William Finck:

Here we shall finish our address of Clayton Douglas’ first Paul-bashing article The Seduction: Judeo-Christianity OR Pauline Christianity? Saul of Tarsus: Paul. A different view, which he published in the December, 2003 issue of his Free American Newsmagazine. We’ll then move on to the second of Douglas’ articles bashing Paul, which is a little shorter but shall take some time to address completely. When Clifton asked me to write this response to the Douglas articles, neither of us had any idea that it would take so many issues of the Watchman’s Teaching Letter to do so. Yet I pray that this effort is found to be worthwhile, that those Paul-bashers in Israel Identity shall be answered comprehensively, and that all of their devices intended to discredit Paul are found to be vain!

Watchman's Teaching Letter #101 September 2006


This is my one hundred and first monthly teaching letter and continues my ninth year of publication. Starting with WTL #88 we have been continuing a series defending the apostle Paul from the horrendously false charges that are being hurled at his epistles, and these accusations have their origins among the lowest moral sources one can imagine. Why anyone would want to be associated with such worthless scum of society is hard to imagine, yet these iniquitous slime-balls seem to gain a following among those in Israel Identity who should know better and brush their fallacious accusations aside. Since Yahshua Christ Himself praised the Ephesian assembly at Rev. 2:1-8, (except for losing their “first love”), He in effect was praising its founder, Paul! To get down to business on this subject of Paul-bashing, we will again turn to the German, William Finck:

Here again we shall continue to address Clayton Douglas’ article The Seduction: Judeo-Christianity OR Pauline Christianity? Saul of Tarsus: Paul. A different view, which he published in the December, 2003 issue of his Free American Newsmagazine, and while we are approaching the end of Douglas’ article there are still quite a few things to address. It seems that Douglas, like many Paul-bashers, will stop at nothing to discredit Paul, manufacturing all sorts of evidence and presenting a totally perverted and corrupted viewpoint of the Scriptures and other ancient writings in order to make something stick out of his nefarious list of charges.

In the section of his article which follows, Douglas offers a perverted interpretation of some lines from the Dead Sea Scrolls, which I shall discuss at length. While it cannot be substantiated here, Douglas seems to get these particular ideas from Joseph Jeffers and his successor Philip B. Evans, both so-called “Doctors”, of an organization which they call “Yahweh’s New Kingdom” based in Prescott, Arizona. Douglas is also from Arizona. Both Jeffers and Evans claim to be prophets, offer contorted versions of history, and are Paul-bashers, universalists, and inventors of tales. Their work may be addressed later in this series. For now we shall continue with Douglas’ articles.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #100 August 2006


This is my one hundredth monthly teaching letter and continues my ninth year of publication. Starting with WTL #88 we have been continuing a series defending the apostle Paul from the horrendously false charges that are being hurled at his epistles, and these accusations have their origins among the lowest moral sources one can imagine. In the last lesson, we discovered that Yahshua Christ Himself highly praised the Ephesian assembly at Rev. 2:1-8, of which Paul was the founder. That assembly was blamed for having lost its “first love”, which surely shows that it was on the right path at its inception under Paul. Based upon this passage, either Yahshua Christ is a liar or the Paul-bashers are liars, and one can’t have it both ways! If the Paul-bashers are correct, Yahshua Christ did us a great disservice at Rev. 2:1-8, or if Yahshua Christ is correct, all the Paul-bashers are doing us a momentous disservice, reminiscent of the early centuries! We will now continue the subject with William Finck:

Here again we shall continue to address Clayton Douglas’ Paul-bashing article The Seduction: Judeo-Christianity OR Pauline Christianity? Saul of Tarsus: Paul. A different view, which he published in the December, 2003 issue of his Free American Newsmagazine, and there are still a couple of pages of this article to address before we can move on to the second part of Douglas’ Paul-bashing series. Quite humbly, I hope to have already well demonstrated that Paul-bashing is not a very profitable endeavor, if by the fruit of one’s labor one expects to profit in truth and understanding. Rather, the Paul-bashers rely upon the writings of the jews, anti-christs, liberals and sexual deviants to fortify their own distorted ideas, and in the balance of his article Douglas certainly continues this pattern, as we shall see below.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #99 July 2006


This is my ninety-ninth monthly teaching letter and continues my ninth year of publication. With this lesson we’ll resume our defense of the apostle Paul. We have been continuing this topic starting with WTL #88 up until now, and it is paramount that we continue the subject to its end. We must remember there was no Redemption until Christ’s death and that things continued under the Old Testament sacrifices up until that time. Though Yahshua Christ forgave many of their sins before his death, never once did he offer any man Redemption before that time. Therefore, Paul was the “chosen vessel” to preach Redemption and resurrection through the cross. Had Christ preached Paul’s message, it would have been premature and highly out-of-place, and Christ, who is “the fulness of the Godhead bodily” (Father, Son & Holy Spirit all wrapped up into one, Col. 2:9), never does anything out of its proper order! We’ll now again return to William Finck for a continuation of his narrative defending the apostle Paul:

Having taken the opportunity to exhibit the policies and motives of the so-called ‘Bishop’ John S. Spong, now we shall continue to address the Paul-bashing articles of Clayton Douglas. Here we will commence from where we left off in Douglas’ article The Seduction: Judeo-Christianity OR Pauline Christianity? Saul of Tarsus: Paul. A different view, which Douglas wrote and published in the December 2003 issue of his Free American Newsmagazine.

<Reference #24> Clay Douglas states: “It should also be added that despite Paul’s modern reputation for placing women lower than men, he also penned revolutionary words about the absolute equality of all believers in Christ, a complete destruction of prevailing social codes.”

William Finck answers <#24>: Douglas’ ignorance of history and the contradictions of his own remarks should be really evident here. First he grouses that Paul placed “women lower than men”, which is not true at all because both the Hebrew and Greek societies had placed women in a position subservient to men long before Paul came along. Then he complains that Paul advocated “a complete destruction of prevailing social codes”, and neither is that true because Douglas is taking Paul’s remarks out-of-context. Yet surely he is accusing Paul at least in part because Paul said, as he quotes further on and as we shall address shortly: “there is neither male nor female ...”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #98 June 2006


This is my ninety-eighth monthly teaching letter and continues my ninth year of publication. With this lesson we’ll resume our defense of the apostle Paul. We have been continuing this topic starting with WTL #88 up until now, and how long it will be continued in the future has not yet been determined. For those who have been following this series defending Paul, you can now begin to see how serious all this bashing Paul really is. Again we will pick up William Finck’s narrative where we left off in the last lesson:

In the last Watchman’s Teaching Letter we interrupted our address of Clayton Douglas’ article The Seduction: Judeo-Christianity OR Pauline Christianity? Saul of Tarsus: Paul. A different view, in order to investigate the life and works of the so-called “Bishop”, John S. Spong, since Douglas quotes Spong repeatedly in his criticism of Paul. Douglas must have read Spong’s extensive works with a more than casual interest in the ‘Bishop’s’ opinions, because he speaks of Spong with great respect in his article and repeats Spong’s conclusions with avid conviction.

In WTL’s #89 through 92, discussing the anti-Paulism of H. Graber, it was seen that Graber’s primary sources for his opinions were the Socialist George Bernard Shaw and the jew Joachim Prince. Here it may well be made evident that John S. Spong is much more dangerous than these, for Spong is an embracer of negroes and homosexuals, a lover of the anti-christ jews, and a hater of nationalism and patriotism, all while claiming to be a Christian, and a bishop! But we shall let Spong testify to the truth of these things by himself. We are often told that one shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, yet just as often one can find all that’s needed to know simply by reading its title!

Watchman's Teaching Letter #97 May 2006


This is my ninety-seventh monthly teaching letter and begins my ninth year of publication. With this lesson we’ll resume our defense of the apostle Paul. We have been continuing this topic starting with WTL #88 up until now. Those who have been following intently can clearly see, it’s proving to be considerably serious. But like the old expression goes: “You ain’t heard nothin yet.” It should be becoming quite evident that all of this Paul-bashing is coming from the bad-fig “Jews”, and at the same time, aiding and abetting their agenda. And all who fall for and promote its fallacious premise have been neutralized by the “Jew” and are no longer of any benefit to Christ or to His Kingdom! Without further ado, we shall continue again with William Finck on this topic:

Here again we shall continue to address Clayton Douglas’ article The Seduction: Judeo-Christianity Or Pauline Christianity? Saul of Tarsus: Paul. A different view, and while I do hope that in the last four of these Watchman’s Teaching Letters where Douglas’ article has been addressed, that his deceit has already been exposed, and that his lies and his fraud are fully exhibited. Yet all of Douglas’ articles about Paul must be addressed, as all of H. Graber’s article was addressed, as an exhibition to Paul-bashers everywhere, that their assertions are vain, and based upon nothing but lies and misunderstandings, and that Paul of Tarsus was a true and noble man, an Israelite fulfilling the tasks which were given him to do. While I have not mentioned it until now, the irony of Douglas’ title to his first Paul-bashing article, published in the December 2003 issue of his Free American Newsmagazine, has certainly not escaped me. Douglas would on one hand criticize the jews, and on the other use jewish sources to bash Paul. Then Douglas would offer “Judeo-Christianity” as an alternative in place of Paul, as if somehow judaism and Christianity could ever be compatible with one another in the first place! And he does this even though he himself admitted “the fact that Judeo-Christianity is almost an oxymoron”, which I’ve already discussed in WTL #93, page 1 column A. This is only further confirmation that Clayton Douglas is not a clear thinker, that his statements are full of conflicting thoughts, and his ideas consistently clash with one another. For my part, I will esteem the teachings of Paul, and reject not only “Judeo-Christianity”, but all the attacks by the jews against Truth.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #96 April 2006


This is my ninety-sixth monthly teaching letter and ends my eighth year of publication. With this lesson we’ll resume our defense of the apostle Paul. We have been continuing this topic starting with WTL #88 up until now, and how long it will be continued in the future has not yet been determined. Again, we will turn to William Finck with his critical review of Clayton Douglas’ Paul-bashing articles in the December 2003 and January 2004 issues of his Free American Newsmagazine:

Here we shall continue to address Clayton Douglas’ article The Seduction: Judeo-Christianity Or Pauline Christianity? Saul of Tarsus: Paul. A different view. Hopefully I have already long established that Douglas’ “different view” of Paul has been seen through some awfully distorted lenses. Yet Douglas’ distortions must be addressed because his article, like H. Graber’s, is very well representative of the trash being circulated by Paul-bashers everywhere. It was obvious that much of H. Graber’s material was drawn from jewish sources, and as I have shown (see section <#7>) that Paul of Tarsus taught what we today call “Israel Identity”, and he also exposed the “jews” as Edomites (Romans 9), why wouldn’t they (the jews) want to hate him? Why wouldn’t they want to trick us into disregarding him? It is also obvious that much of Clayton Douglas’ thinking also follows jewish lines. Douglas, following the jews, believes that the gospels were originally written in Aramaic, which is a downright lie: they were originally written in Greek. Douglas uses judaized appellations for Christ, such as “Esu” and “Sananda.” And although I didn’t address it specifically, Douglas even defends the one apostle who was a jew, whom Christ Himself identified as a devil and a traitor, as if he may have been but some innocent pawn (see section <#13>)! Douglas, like the jews, denies that Yahshua Christ was the Messiah (section <#4>)! Douglas’ penchant for jewish thought shall be further evident as we proceed, but here I would like to put all Paul-bashers everywhere on notice: reexamine your thinking, because you are all mere puppets and proselytes of and for the jews, therefore aiding and abetting them in their satanic agenda!

Watchman's Teaching Letter #95 March 2006


This is my ninety-fifth monthly teaching letter and continues my eighth year of publication. We have been running a series of lessons beginning with WTL #88 in defense of the apostle Paul. If you have not read these previous lessons, you may not fully understand this one. Therefore, it would be advisable to obtain the other lessons in this series. In WTL lesson #89, I pretty much turned the narrative over to William R. Finck to address a response to the ranting of H. Graber, who was a very malicious Paul-basher.

For anyone who is interested in finding the origin of this Paul-bashing, they will discover it’s all coming from the “Jews.” It amazes me why anyone in Israel Identity would fall for such a Satanically contrived and oriented propaganda. Yet the Paul-bashers don’t even try to hide it, but name the “Jews” from whence it emanates, brushing aside the warnings of our Savior and Messiah to “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees” (Matt. 16:6, 11, 12; Mark 8:15; Luke 12:1). It is regrettable, but these are victims who have been snake-bitten and glory in it. Now back again to William Finck:

We left off with Clayton Douglas’ article “The Seduction: Judeo-Christianity OR Pauline Christianity? Saul of Tarsus: Paul. A different view.”, and all of his ignorant, ill-begotten and unwarranted criticisms of the apostle Paul, where Douglas offered a quote from the novelist, Thomas Hardy. As we continue through Douglas’ article, it may become evident that Douglas has taken to writing fictions of his own, where he makes all sorts of false assertions, and he offers no citations whatsoever with which to support his phony ‘history’.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #94 February 2006


This is my ninety-fourth monthly teaching letter and continues my eighth year of publication. With this WTL, we’ll continue our defense of the apostle Paul. At this point, we’ll again turn the narration over to William Finck, and he’ll continue where he left off in lesson #93:

Here we shall continue to address Clayton R. Douglas’ article “The Seduction: Judeo-Christian OR Pauline Christianity?” from the December 2003 issue of his Free American Newsmagazine. I hope to have already pointed out that, while rejecting Paul, in reality Douglas has also rejected much of the rest of the Bible, although he pretends to acknowledge those parts of it which evidently suit his own distorted views. While pretending to be a Christian, most of Douglas’ claims concerning the Bible may get a warm reception from readers of The Trumpet or The Jerusalem Post. Yet because much of Douglas’ audience is Christian, and many of them Israel Identity, his oblique misinterpretations must be addressed.

<Reference #5> Clay Douglas states: “Did you know that Paul/Saul of Tarsus wrote almost two-thirds of the New Testament? I’ll bet you didn’t.”

William Finck answers <#5>: Well, Clayton, you are right, I didn’t know that! Having read the Bible for so many years, I never even imagined it! So we’d better see just how accurate this statement is. The NA27 contains only Greek text, and the Greek footnotes which display textual variations among mss., without wasting any space explaining anything. Its methods are well defined and the scholar’s task is to use them properly, so its text is pretty much evenly distributed across 680 pages. Of the 680 pages of Greek text, 87 of them are the gospel of Matthew, or 12.79%. 62 are Mark’s, or 9.11%. Works attributed to John, his gospel, epistles, and the Revelation, consume 136 pages, or 20%. Already that adds up to 41.90%, so already Douglas’ statement is in error. No wonder I didn’t know that! The epistles of James, Peter and Jude together occupy 30 pages, or 4.41%. The parts written by Luke, both his gospel and Acts, occupy 186 pages, or 27.35%. Paul’s epistles, and there is no doubt in my mind that Hebrews was written by Paul, occupy 179 pages, or 26.32% of the NA27 version of the New Testament. A far cry from “two-thirds”! Even lumping Paul and Luke together, as H. Graber would, we aren’t anywhere near “two-thirds”! How many other times would Douglas state a blatant lie, and looking at you in the eye say “Did you know that ...? I’ll bet you didn’t!”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #93 January 2006


This is my ninety-third monthly teaching letter and continues my eighth year of publication. As I promised in Watchman’s Teaching Letter #92 for December, 2005, we would continue on the subject of the apostle Paul. For this, I will turn you over again to William Finck, as I requested that he write the next segment in our defense of Paul:

This past summer while Clifton was preparing the Open Letter in Response to H. Graber for publication in the last four of these Watchman’s Teaching Letters, one of his readers sent him a couple of articles found in Free American Newsmagazine, which much like the trash Graber had produced, were written to attack and discredit Paul of Tarsus. These articles were published in the December, 2003 and January, 2004 issues, and written by Clayton R. Douglas, the magazine’s publisher. For the purpose of responding to them properly, the articles shall be fully and faithfully reproduced here, and it shall take several issues of the WTL to do so. First, however, I shall respond to some of the statements made by Douglas in his December, 2003 “Publisher’s Corner”, where he prepares his readers for his subsequent Paul-bashing articles, but which I shall not fully address.

Douglas lays the foundation for his statements by criticizing the jews as a race, where surely his intentions are good, yet I don’t see much point in debating any of the jews themselves on the topic, which he describes doing. It may be less frustrating and more productive to simply beat one’s head against the proverbial wall. Christ set a good example for us in this regard, for when the Edomite-jew Herod questioned Him at length concerning many things, “He answered him nothing” (Luke 23:9). Ditto before the Edomite high priests who questioned Him (Matt. 26:62-63, Mark 14:60-61). Why argue with the jews concerning good and evil? How could they, being evil, say anything good (Matt. 12:34)? Douglas goes on to refer to “the fact that Judeo-Christianity is almost an oxymoron”, and he would have been correct if he had only omitted the “almost”! Ignatius, the Christian bishop who wrote circa 110 A.D. (according to Thayer) said in his Epistle to the Magnesians at 3:11 (as found in The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden): “It is absurd to name Yahshua Christ, and to Judaize. For the Christian Religion did not embrace the Jewish, but the Jewish the Christian ...”. Surely Ignatius understood that the Old Testament religion of our (we Saxons and Kelts and related peoples) Hebrew fathers was nothing more or less than Christianity before Christ. Judaism is a corrupted version of the Old Testament laws of Moses, adopted by pretenders and charlatans claiming to be something they aren’t, as Paul explains in Romans 9 and 2 Thes. 2, chapters poorly translated by blind, Judaized exegetes.


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