This is my seventieth monthly teaching letter and continues my sixth year of publication. With this issue, we are going to address a subject that is in much need of being brought to the forefront. Many of you have already noticed my continual attack on various false doctrines. This is the scatological (study in excrement) job Yahweh has placed on my shoulders. Recently, He has given me witness that I must continue, for we are now living in a day where more of this twisted theology abounds. I find all this a great responsibility, and everything I write, I write with fear and trembling! I do this because we are either gathering the sheep or scattering them, Matthew 12:30. There is no category in between. All one need do to scatter the Israel sheep, is conjure up some ambiguous, flawed premise arriving at a mistaken conclusion. Therefore, all truth starts with a correct premise, and only truth can set us free.
But it is even more serious than this, for Scripture tells us that if we continue in our arrogant ways, we will be turned over to Satan either for our correction or for our destruction. And yet this is not all, for though we put forth much effort to help build the Kingdom, our rewards at the Judgment will be taken from us and given to another. Therefore, we dare not deviate from the truth! With this in mind, I publish the ensuing:
The following is a reprint of a letter sent to Dave Barley from William Finck, September 17, 2003. Finck’s personal letter has been modified from a personal to an open letter with Finck’s permission:
Before making this challenge, it would be best to quote the offending paragraph from Barley’s newsletter on page 4:
“By the way, I received a phone call from an Arab man the other day who had watched the film and became converted to following Christ. His testimony was fantastic and upon learning that Jesus Christ has a place and purpose for all people, he had great hope. He learned that God’s law had many forms and facets to it, such as the law of aerodynamics, and gravity. All of God's creation experiences those ‘laws of nature’ and they are subject to those laws. However, as we know, there are also God’s laws to Israel, and Israelites for the most part, are to teach and administer those laws, but as God’s Word says, ‘to whom much is given, much is required,’ and ‘each man in his own order.’ This Arab learned that as he acquired truth, that there was also a responsibility that he now bore to properly use and apply that truth.”