This is my sixtieth monthly teaching letter and completes my fifth year of publication. Five years ago I decided to make this ministry an independent endeavor. I was aware that I could in no way, in all good conscience, associate and identify with those teaching against Two Seedline. Then too, I realized there were those in Two Seedline who were going off on tangents in various unrelated areas, and I needed to separate myself from that kind of environment. Therefore, my main effort is research in proving Yhwh’s Word to be true in every respect. I have literally put thousands of hours of study into these teaching letters and brochures which I have put into your hands. The primary reason for segregating from the anti-seedliners is because their erroneous position helps to promote race-mixing, which is almost out of control at our present time. I will continue to try and counsel those who are caught-up in the error of the one-seed theory.
In the last teaching letter, I showed you there were four different men by the name of Nebuchadnezzar somewhat contemporary with Daniel. Actually, there were five Nebuchadnezzars in all, and I will explain that in this lesson. I also gave evidence that the Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel 4 was not Nebuchadnezzar II but instead Nabonidus. In all of my days of going to church, I never heard a single minister explain that fact. Nor have I ever heard any radio or television evangelists give any insight on this. I am also persuaded there are very few pastors in Israel Identity who are aware of this. Usually when this subject is commented on, it is not in the plural, but in a singular sense, making one think it is speaking of one individual. It is a very good case-in-point that if one does not understand history, one will have difficulty grasping the full narrative of the Bible. And why are the anti-seedliners so strangely quiet about such things? The following chart shows the five different Nebuchadnezzars:
► Nebuchadnezzar I 1124-1103 B.C. (22 yrs.)
► Nebuchadnezzar II 604-562 B.C. (43 yrs.)
► Nabonidus (using
Nebuchadnezzar’s name) 555-539 B.C. (17 yrs.)
► Nebuchadnezzar III -522 B.C. (6 mos.)
► Nebuchadnezzar IV -521 B.C. (3 mos.)