2002 Watchman's Teaching Letters

Watchman's Teaching Letter #56 December 2002


This is my fifty-sixth monthly teaching letter and continues my fifth year of publication. With this Teaching Letter, we will continue our walk-through series in the Book of Daniel. One very important element we should understand about Mohammedanism is the fact that they don’t worship the same god as the Christians. Before Mohammed came along, Mecca was a center of the worship of many false gods. All Mohammed did was to reduce their pantheon of approximately ten false gods down to one false god, Allah. In Judaism, Mohammedanism and Christianity there are three different deities. For Christianity it is the Mighty One of the Hebrews; for the Mohammedans it is the false god Allah; and the Jews” actually worship Lucifer.

It might be well to show the variant pronunciations and spellings of the name of Mohammed. For this, I will quote from the 1980 Collier’s Encyclopedia, volume 16, page 405: 

MOHAMMED ..., an English form of one of the commonest Muslim names, first borne by the founder of the Muslim religion (which is sometimes called Mohammedanism after him). The name has had various forms and spellings in the West: Mohammed, Mohamed, Mahomet, Mahound, and even Baphomet. All these forms derive from the Arabic Muhammad ... A Turkish form of the name, Mehmed, is used for several sultans of the Ottoman Empire; and a modern spelling that has come into English through French, Mehemet, is frequently used in the name of Mehemet Ali, the Ottoman viceroy who founded modern Egypt.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #55 November 2002


This is my fifty-fifth monthly teaching letter and continues my fifth year of publication. This lesson will be a continuation of a series in a walk-through of Daniel. The object of this walk- through is to show there is an overlap of Daniel’s prophecy into the book of Revelation. Inasmuch as most Bible students recognize Daniel’s prophecy as being Historical” in nature, it is only reasonable to conclude that the overlapped prophecy from Daniel into the book of Revelation is also Historical” in nature.

In lesson # 54 for October, 2002, we discussed the little horn” of Daniel 8:9. As I had pointed out, the little horn” in that passage is not the same as the little horn” of Daniel 7:8. How often have you read or heard someone referring to the little horn” of Daniel, and they never indicate which little horn” of Daniel they are talking about. To many, both little horns” are the same entity in their reasoning, and that simply is not true. To comprehend where we are on our walk through Daniel, you will need back issues #49, #53 & #54. In the last lesson (#54) we established that the little horn” of Daniel 8:9 was Mohammed. Because Mohammed played such a key part in Daniel chapter 8, it will be necessary for us to spend an entire lesson on him.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #54 October 2002


This is my fifty-fourth monthly teaching letter and continues my fifth year of publication. In lessons #49 and #50 we studied about Nebuchadnezzar’s dream-image, interpreted by Daniel, concerning the four beast empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. We saw how the great amount of slave-trade caused a mixture of non-assimilable people in the Roman Empire; how the Teutonic German tribes wore down and eventually destroyed Rome; and, the destiny of the two-legged image which represented the western and eastern branches of the Roman Empire. In lesson #53, we discovered the little horn” of Daniel 7:8 was the Roman papacy. In this lesson we will investigate the little horn” of Daniel 8:9. To begin, we will read each verse followed by commentary by Adam Clarke. I prefer Clarke, as his comments are somewhat better than the other commentaries on this passage:

Daniel 8:1: In the third year of the reign of king Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at the first.”

In the third year of the reign of ... Belshazzar. We now come once more to the Hebrew; the Chaldee part of the book being finished. As the Chaldeans had a particular interest in both the history and prophecies from chap. 2:4 to the end of chap. 7, the whole is written in Chaldee. But as the prophecies which remain concern times posterior to the Chaldean monarchy, and principally relate to the church [called-out Assembly; the people of Yahweh specifically], they are written in the Hebrew language, this being the tongue in which God chose to reveal all His counsels given under the Old Testament relative to the New.”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #53 September 2002


This is my fifty-third monthly teaching letter and continues my fifth year of publication. In Watchman’s Teaching Letters #49 and #50, we started a walk-through of Daniel’s prophecies. The purpose for doing that was to counter many of the irrational ideas some have concerning both the book of Daniel and Revelation.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #52 August 2002


This is my fifty-second monthly teaching letter and continues my fifth year of publication. In the last few lessons, we have been considering the subject of prophecy. In lesson #49 we dwelt on Nebuchadnezzar’s dream-image, interpreted by Daniel.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #51 July 2002


This is my fifty-first monthly teaching letter and continues my fifth year of publication. At this point, I am going to repeat a warning. It seems like there is always someone out there teaching a different gospel of the Kingdom. One such person is Garrison R. Russell in his book Son Placing, where he says on page 290: The Sons of God are not descendants of Abraham, or Israel, or Adam.” If you have this man’s book, I would highly recommend you scrutinize very carefully every word he says. From what I have observed from his book thus far, it is filled with half-truths and downright lies.

You will remember that in the last two Teaching Letters, #49 and #50, I promised to document that Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Philip, was of questionable blood and how all the children from that union are unfit to take the Throne of David, which the British throne represents. I said the following in lesson #49: ... from the news I notice the queen-mother of England is dead. I’m fully persuaded Elizabeth II is the last pureblooded descendant of David left to sit on the throne, while Philip Mountbatten and his heirs are of questionable blood presenting prophecy problems.” Then again in lesson #50 I reiterated: In the last lesson, I briefly mentioned that the queen-mother of Britain had died. I believe that this is a major mile-marker in time as to where we are today on Yahweh’s time-clock. I would remind you that Scripture says in no uncertain terms that there would always be a descendant of David on a throne somewhere until Messiah’s Second Advent. Conceivably, this could mean: if the present Queen Elizabeth II were to have a heart attack and die, and our Redeemer has not returned, the promise to David is a lie and our Bible is untrustworthy. I also pointed out that Queen Elizabeth II’s husband was of questionable blood, and because Elizabeth had taken an unsuitable mate, thus violating Yahweh’s Law of kind after kind, her children by that marriage are unfit to take the throne” (i.e., Shuah vs. Tamar, Gen. 38).

Watchman's Teaching Letter #50 June 2002


This is my fiftieth monthly teaching letter and continues my fifth year of publication. In the last lesson, I briefly mentioned that the queen-mother of Britain had died. I believe that this is a major mile-marker in time to where we are today on Yahweh’s time-clock. I would remind you that Scripture says in no uncertain terms that there would always be a descendant of David on a throne somewhere until Messiah’s Second Advent. The implication is: if the present Queen Elizabeth were to have a heart attack and die, and our Redeemer has not returned, the promise to David is a lie and our Bible is untrustworthy. I also pointed out that Queen Elizabeth’s husband was not of pure blood, and because Elizabeth had taken an unsuitable mate, thus violating Yahweh’s Law of kind after kind: her children by that marriage are unfit to take the throne.

There is an interesting passage in the book The Roman And The Teuton by Charles Kingsley, written 111 years ago, which shows an attempt to bring down this Royal line, which says this on page 22:

[The house of] Lords and Commons have been swept away, though a number of the richest old gentlemen in London meet daily at Westminster to receive orders from Buckingham Palace. But at the palace itself has broken out one of those sanguinary [bloody] conspiracies which have of late become unceasing. The last heir of the house of Brunswick is lying dead with a dagger in his heart, and everything is in frightful confusion. The armed force of the capital are of course masters of the situation’, and the Guards, after a tumultuous meeting at Windsor or Knightsbridge, have sold the throne to Baron Rothschild, for a handsome donation of £25 a-piece ...”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #49 May 2002


As I’m preparing this forty-ninth monthly teaching letter, starting my fifth year of publication, from the news I notice queen-mother of England is dead. I’m fully persuaded Elizabeth II is the last pureblooded descendant of David left to sit on the throne while Philip Mountbatten is of questionable blood presenting prophecy problems.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #48 April 2002


This is my forty-eighth monthly teaching letter and completes my fourth year of publication. While preparing this letter, I have been following the so-called War on Terrorism.” I notice this war is taking on unusual proportions. It seems that the powers that be are allying themselves with very unusual regimes in order to gain their objectives.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #47 March 2002


This is my forty-seventh monthly teaching letter and continues my fourth year of publication. Since my last mailing in February, I have purchased a new Martin Yale model 1501 automatic paper folder. I had been looking for a good paper folder for nearly three years. It appeared that it might require a $1,500 investment. Then a couple of people searching on the Internet found two different places selling folding machines. I inquired from them, but neither would give me the specifications on what kind of folds they would make, and I wasn’t about to spend that much being in the dark as to their capability. Finally, I noticed a folding machine in an OfficeMax catalogue. I called OfficeMax for its specifications, and they gave me the telephone number of Martin Yale, who in turn confirmed that their folder would do everything I needed. Furthermore, this folder sold for $582.99 including tax and delivery. In my mailing for December, 2001, I had to manually fold 3,600 brochures. It’s impossible to imagine the task of doing this manually unless one has ever done it. This new folder should give me a lot more research time for my writings.

While speaking of my brochures, I use ivory colored paper as that reduces eye fatigue. That can make the difference between a person reading the whole content or not. I have also experimented with various fonts to find the easiest to read, which is important when using small type. The cost of pastel colored paper is about three times that of white. While this is expensive, it’s not nearly as costly as the toner.

In my last mailing for February, when I mailed out my January and February Watchman’s Teaching Letters #45 and #46 along with Special Notice To All Who Deny Two Seedline #11 and #12, I had made a margin setup error on my computer for Special Notice #12 which shifted some words in column 4, paragraph 2 from the end of the line to the middle of the line. I had recently started to break words at the end of the line which generally allows me five or six extra lines on each brochure. Therefore, there were two words which appeared as: Christianity” and supreme”. Because of this, I now have one more thing to watch for when I make up my master pages. I wish to apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you. For anyone who wishes corrected copies of Special Notice #12, please send along an SASE with your request.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #46 February 2002


This is my forty-sixth monthly teaching letter and continues my fourth year of publication. In the last lesson, we took up the subject of perverted or “false Odinism.” We discovered it was a farce, and just the opposite of what should be expected of authentic or “true Odinism.” I then quoted a chapter out of a book entitled The Story Of Norway by Hjalmar H. Boyeson. This was a very old book being published in 1886. While this book was very informative, it was based mainly on what is considered Younger Edda, which tends to be somewhat problematical in nature. Snorre Sturlasson was the author of a book entitled the Heimskringla; he also wrote the Younger or Prose Edda. With this lesson, we are going to concentrate, for the most part, on what is considered Elder Edda. This should give us a truer view of the lifestyle of the Norse Vikings. We were on the subject of Egypt and got sidetracked by the term “ashet tree” on various Egyptian obelisks which led us in turn to the term “ash tree” in Norse Mythology. 

We are now going to try to make some sense out of Norse Mythology. Don’t let anyone ever tell you any differently, as the Norse people are some of the finest folk to ever set foot on the face of this earth. How could they be otherwise when many of them have Tamar as their great great grandmother, especially Odin? I will now present this subject from the book History Of The Norwegian People by Knut Gjerset, Ph.D., professor of Norwegian language, literature and history in Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. (Little Norway of America). This book was published in 1915. On page 92, he speaks of the temperament of the Norwegian people. I will enclose some comments on the text in brackets [ ]: 

“He [the Norseman] loved the battle and the stormy sea; he admired the strong, the brave, the cunning, the intellectual; for the old and feeble he had no interest, for the suffering no sympathy; the weak he despised. He sang of valor and of heroic deeds; not of love and beauty. [Note: These Norsemen had been fighting for their very lives for several hundreds of years from the time they had left Assyria until they arrived in the Scandinavian part of Europe leaving them hard and heartless.] The sagas of the rich and powerful have been written, the poor and unfortunate classes are passed over in silence. But in the Viking Age the lifegiving spirit of Christianity was breathed gently also upon the pagan North. Unconsciously at first the hard heartstrings were loosened, and the soul was stirred by a new life. Notes of love and sadness steal into their songs, words of affection and sorrow are chiseled on their tombstones, woman gradually rises to new dignity, and the rights of the heart gain recognition. Even religious life is deeply affected by this gentle influence. The Light of the World had cast its first faint glimmer upon the intellectual and moral life of the North, the Viking expeditions had begun to bear their greatest fruit.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #45 January 2002


This is my forty-fifth monthly teaching letter and continues my fourth year of publication. As I’m preparing this lesson, there are some topics I would like to bring to your attention:

(1) First of all, for those of you who are helping in the support of this ministry, I would like to give you an idea what that assistance is being used for. In my last mailing for December, 2001, when I sent out two Watchman’s Teaching Letters plus nine brochures weighing three ounces total each, the postage alone came to about $318.00. Toner for the copy machine came to $182.84; paper, $64.20; envelopes, $4.20; making a total of about $569.24 in all. Inasmuch as a good portion of my readers are prisoners, you are, in effect helping to give meat”, give drink” clothe”, visit the sick and in prison” the very Savior Himself, Matthew 25:35-40.

(2)  I got an interesting letter from a supporter telling me he had purchased a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance with the Greek and Hebrew dictionaries, and informing me he had looked up the Hebrew word #398, akal, and that it didn’t indicate anything sexual about Eve’s seduction by Satan where she said, Genesis 3:13: The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.” I promptly made him a copy of what the Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament had to say for the word #398, akal. Of the four main meanings, #3 says this: to enjoy anything, as good fortune, Job. 21:25; the fruit of good or evil, sexual pleasures, Proverbs 30:20 (compare 9:17 ... 5:20).” I would highly recommend that every anti- seedliner who scoffs at Eve’s sexual encounter with the serpent invest in a Gesenius’ Lexicon as all of them who use just Strong’s use the argument that akal can only mean to eat.” Notice how Gesenius’ uses the phrase the fruit of good or evil.” Does that remind you of a certain tree?


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