Addressing False Doctrines

The Ephraim-Scepter Heresy, Part 2


This is the second in a series on this subject, and it’s simply amazing what some people dream up on what they presume the Bible is saying. This subject is no exception. Evidently, they are endeavoring to find some new revelation so they can set themselves up, wittingly or unwittingly, on a pedestal and lord it over everyone else as some kind of pompous, grandiose, overblown demagogue. This is the image they make of themselves when peddling this off-the-wall, counterproductive, recycled hogwash, and that is probably overrating it. For those who don’t know what the Ephraim-Scepter heresy is all about, it’s a sorry, reprehensible attempt to remove the Scepter from Judah and place it in Ephraim’s hands. In order to fully understand, you will need to read The Ephraim-Scepter Heresy, #1. The reason for such outlandish, preposterous conclusions is because they haven’t the slightest idea why Judah was chosen by Jacob for the Scepter in the first place.

The Ephraim-Scepter Heresy, Part 1


At John 8:32, we are told “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” It is paramount, therefore, we find that truth and never deviate from it, for without it the enemy’s shackles can never be broken. With this treatise, we will investigate a doctrine contrary to all that is Holy, and will only tighten our chains of servitude all the more. This great fallacy is a formula for disaster, and when we are finished, we will see clearly how UN-Scriptural it is. The proponents of this heresy dub it “In Search Of The Missing Birthright.” Once analyzing the nature of the distortion and the unsoundness of its foundation, one can recognize it for the fraud it really is. Its very heading is a deception, for the “birthright” was never lost. The undeniable intent of this heresy has nothing to do with the “birthright”, but to remove the Scepter from the Tribe of Judah and transfer it to the Tribe of Ephraim. Let’s call it what it truthfully is! If the Scepter were to go to Ephraim, as they falsely claim, Ephraim would have everything and Judah nothing. Once grasping their subterfuge as a means to divert the eye toward the birthright while manipulating the Scepter, their entire shellgame is exposed.

After propagating the above highly misleading title-heading, the proponents of this false doctrine will say: “the birthright belonging to the House of Ephraim was hidden by the scribes who ruled the Sanhedrin” and that “the scribes also tried to distort the genealogy of the Messiah so as to create the appearance that the Messiah would descend from Judah and not Joseph Ephraim.” Continuing, they will claim that the motive was selfishly done “to enhance their own importance as they believed that they descended from Judah, and wanted to glory in being in the tribe from which the Savior-Messiah would be born.” Continuing, they make the unfounded claim, “we can safely assume that the scribes were learned Talmudic experts and that maybe they knew that they in fact were descendants of Satan but claiming to be the undiluted seed of Abraham through Judah.” How do you like that word “assume”? Answer: We can’t “safely assume” any such thing! Breaking down that word it reads “ass-u-me” (ass-of-me), and that is what they do!

Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #8


With this eighth paper, we continue our critical review of Steven M. Collins’ twisted view/s that the “JEWS ARE JUDAH” in his position paper on Internet web site Steven M. Collins’ mailing address is: P.O. Box 88735, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1005. Collins is the author of a book entitled The Lost Tribes of Israel ... Found, which I would give only a mediocre rating. By the way, if you haven’t read my papers #’s 1 through 7 as yet,  you may not entirely comprehend this one.

In my brochures entitled Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #’s 1 through 7, I completely invalidated all four of his “four” reasons he presumes “THE JEWS ARE JUDAH.” Time after time after time, Collins manages to create faulty premises to the detriment of his final flawed conclusions. He swears unequivocally that he gets his evil concepts from Yahweh’s, or as he states it, “God’s Word.” But as I demonstrated in my first seven flyers, his deleterious concepts can only be from the very pits of Hell! It is blasphemous to suggest otherwise! I have now debunked his 4 reasons of “four”, and I will continue addressing some of the remainder of his vile, obnoxious, nauseating refuse, which he evidently doesn’t seem to think stinks.

Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #7


With this seventh paper, we continue our critical review of Steven M. Collins’ twisted view/s, that the “JEWS ARE JUDAH” in his position paper on Internet web site Jews-are-Judahreasons.htm. Steven M. Collins’ mailing address is: P.O. Box 88735, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1005. Collins is the author of a book entitled The Lost Tribes of Israel ... Found, which I would give only a mediocre rating. By the way, if you haven’t read my paper #’s 1 through 6 as yet,  you may not entirely comprehend this one.

In my brochures entitled Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #’s 1 through 6, I completely invalidated all “four” of his alleged reasons he presumes “THE JEWS ARE JUDAH.” Time after time after time, Collins manages to create faulty premises to the detriment of his final conclusions, which are also flawed. He swears unequivocally that he gets his evil concepts from Yahweh’s, or as he states it, “God’s Word.” But as I demonstrated in my first six flyers, his deleterious concepts can only be from the pits of Hell! It is blasphemous to suggest otherwise! I have now debunked all of his hatched-up “four” reasons, and I will continue addressing some of the remainder of his vile, obnoxious, nauseating refuse, which he evidently doesn’t seem to think stinks.

Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #6


With this sixth paper, we continue our critical review of Steven M. Collins’ twisted view/s, that the “JEWS ARE JUDAH”  in his position paper on Internet web site Steven M. Collins’ mailing address is: P.O. Box 88735, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1005. Collins is the author of a book entitled The Lost Tribes of Israel ... Found, which I would give only a mediocre rating. By the way, if you haven’t read my paper #’s 1 through 5 you may not entirely comprehend this one.

In my brochures entitled Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #’s 1 through 5, I completely invalidated all four of his four reasons he presumes “THE JEWS ARE JUDAH.” Time after time after time, Collins manages to create faulty premises to the detriment of his final conclusions, which are also flawed. He swears unequivocally that he gets his evil concepts from Yahweh’s, or as he states it, “God’s Word.” But as I demonstrated in my first five flyers, his deleterious concepts can only be from the pits of Hell! It is blasphemous to suggest otherwise! I have now debunked his 4 reasons of 4, and I’ll continue addressing some of the remainder of his vile, obnoxious, nauseating refuse, which he evidently doesn’t seem to think stinks.

Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #5


With this fifth paper, we continue our critical review of Steven M. Collins’ twisted view/s, that the “JEWS ARE JUDAH” in his position paper on Internet web site Steven M. Collins’ mailing address is: P.O. Box 88735, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1005. Collins is the author of a book entitled The Lost Tribes of Israel ... Found, which I would give only a mediocre rating. By the way, if you haven’t read my paper #’s 1 through 4 you may not entirely comprehend this one.

In my brochures entitled Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #’s 1 through 4, I completely invalidated all four of his “four reasons” he presumes “THE JEWS ARE JUDAH.” Time after time after time, Collins manages to create faulty premises to the detriment of his final conclusions which are also flawed. He swears unequivocally that he gets his evil concepts from Yahweh’s, or as he states it, “God’s Word.” But as I demonstrated in my first four flyers, his deleterious concepts can be only from the pits of Hell! It is blasphemous to suggest otherwise! Inasmuch as I have now covered at length his major errors, I will now address some of the remainder of his vile, obnoxious, nauseating refuse, which he evidently doesn’t seem to think stinks.

Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #4


With this fourth paper, we continue our critical review of Steven M. Collins’ twisted view/s, that the “JEWS ARE JUDAH” in his position paper on Internet web site Steven M. Collins’ mailing address is: P.O. Box 88735, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1005. Collins is the author of a book entitled The Lost Tribes of Israel ... Found, which I would give only a mediocre rating. By the way, if you haven’t read paper #’s 1, 2, & 3 you may not entirely comprehend this one.

The heading at the top of Collins’ “JEWS ARE JUDAH” paper reads: “Four Reasons The Jews Are ‘Judah’.” In my paper #1 it was necessary to show that Collins did not properly interpret Zephaniah 2:1-7 correctly, as it is not an end-day prophecy as he claims. I further illustrated how the present-day Israeli constitutes an illegitimate, outlaw state inasmuch as Judaea came back under British rule in 1917 when the times of the Gentiles (heathen) were fulfilled. Additionally, I showed how the “chosen vessel”, Paul, at Romans 16:20 identified the Romans (being Israelites) as the “seed of the woman” of Genesis 3:15; and those being besieged by Titus at Jerusalem who were pretending to be of Judah, but were rather the “seed of the serpent.”

Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #3


With this third paper, we continue our critical review of Steven M. Collins’ twisted view/s that the “JEWS ARE JUDAH”  in his position paper on Internet web site Steven M. Collins’ mailing address is: P.O. Box 88735, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1005. Collins is the author of a book entitled The Lost Tribes of Israel ... Found, which I would give only a mediocre rating. By the way, if you haven’t read my paper #’s1 & 2, you may not entirely comprehend this one.

The heading at the top of Collins’ “JEWS ARE JUDAH” paper reads: “Four Reasons The Jews Are ‘Judah’.” In my paper #1 it was necessary to show that Collins did not properly interpret Zephaniah 2:1-7 correctly, as it is not an end-day prophecy as he claims. I further illustrated how the present-day Israeli are an illegitimate, outlaw state inasmuch as it came back under British rule in 1917 when the times of the Gentiles (heathen) were fulfilled. Additionally, I showed how the “chosen vessel” Paul, at Romans 16:20 identified the Romans as the “seed of the woman” (being Israelites) of Genesis 3:15; and those being besieged by Titus at Jerusalem were pretending to be of Judah, but were rather the “seed of the serpent.”

Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #2


With this second paper we continue our critical review of Steven M. Collins’ twisted view/s that the “JEWS ARE JUDAH”,  in his position paper on Internet web site Jews-are-Judahreasons.htm. Steven M. Collins’ mailing address is: P.O. Box 88735, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1005. Collins is the author of a book entitled The Lost Tribes of Israel ... Found, which I would give only a mediocre rating. By the way, if you haven’t read paper #1, you may not entirely comprehend this one.

When I say “Collins’ twisted view/s”, it is an understatement. In the diatribe of his thesis he claims that all of today’s “Jews” are of the Tribe of Judah. Had he ever really studied his Bible, he would have discovered there are some impostors claiming to be of the Tribe of Judah, but are liars, Revelation 2:9; 3:9:

“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews [sic. Judah], and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan ... Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews [sic. Judah], and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”

Steven M. Collins’ Pretzel Factory #1


This is a critical review of Steven M. Collins’ stance in his “JEWS ARE JUDAH” position paper on Internet web site Authors/Jews-are-Judahreasons.htm. If there were ever a thesis that needed thorough criticism, this one requires an expeditious response. Steven M. Collins’ mailing address is: P.O. Box 88735, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-1005. Collins is the author of a book entitled The Lost Tribes of Israel ... Found, which I would only give a mediocre rating.

The heading at the top of Collins’ “JEWS ARE JUDAH” paper, reads: “Four Reasons The Jews Are ‘Judah’.” Collins claims his is “a faithful presentation of the Bible’s information and prophecies on this subject.” However, it is a far cry from that, and we will examine each of his faulty premises by which he arrives at several incorrect conclusions! Not only has Collins perpetrated many errors, his misjudgment of Yahweh’s Word is quite dangerous, and he is scattering the Israel sheep rather than gathering them! Search the world over, and one will be hard pressed to find a written article so nauseating and iniquitous. In fact, one would not be incorrect to charge that every word of Collins’ postulation comes right out of the pits of Hell. Yes, it’s that bad!


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