1999 Watchman's Teaching Letters

Watchman's Teaching Letter #20 December 1999


This is the twentieth in a series of teaching letters. With the last few teaching letters (13 through 19), I have been bringing you a series on the early Celtic church. If you don’t have all of these lessons, you will have missed part of this important story. You will need to contact me and get the missing issues. To understand the entire story of Judah, you will need all the lessons since #1. Today the enemy is pulling every deceitful trick in order to destroy the White race. Recently they have run a miniseries (10 hours) on PBS called An American Love Story consisting of a white woman who married a black and all the problems they encountered with society with their (mamzer) mulatto daughter. Not only was this series broadcast for the original 10 hours, but it was repeated two times, so there was a total of 30 hours of television time. The enemy is investing a lot of money into this sort of thing in order to promote multi-cultural race-mixing. If we think race-mixing is bad now, we haven’t seen anything yet! There was another subversive program broadcast over PBS called Not In Our Town. The object of this program was to incite communities to revolt against any kind of so-called “hate.” If you believe that the White people are Israel, you are automatically considered a member of a “hate” group. There was another mind-altering program aired called Seeking Solutions which very cleverly promoted a concept, the idea that there is less crime in diverse (racially mixed) neighborhoods. At one point in this broadcast they used uptown Chicago as an example of a low crime area, citing one schoolteacher who taught a class where he had children from 26 countries speaking 24 different languages. Recently on C-Span2 there was a program called TV Book, where a black author was giving a review of a book he had written. During a question and answer session a white woman made a comment similar to this: “It is desirable that every white woman have just a little Afro-American in her — not a lot — just a little.” How many of our young people will cave-in to race-mixing thinking they are doing “God” a favor by helping to stop crime? How many of the members of your family have you notified that you will disinherit them if they do such a thing? Have you announced to them unequivocally that they needn’t bring home a mulatto or whatever to set their feet under your table? It is past time we draw a line in the sand on these racial issues. 

Now Continuing The Topic:



You may wonder: “What does Two Seedline have to do with Judah?” It has everything to do with Judah! This is going to be the most difficult lesson I have yet attempted. We are going to explore an area of the Scriptures which few people have ever contemplated to any degree. You may not want to agree with the conclusions which I am going to bring forward, but you will have to acknowledge that they are very serious. To quickly get your attention, the Bible and most all Bible commentaries indicate that Jezebel was one of the ancestors of Yahshua the Messiah. This may seem like a very strange topic to consider, but it is extremely important to do so. With this lesson, I am going to demonstrate, and make a strong circumstantial case, that Jezebel was not in the lineage of Yahshua. We will start this dissertation by quoting a passage of Scripture which most all Two Seedline teachers use in their presentations of the subject, Matthew 23: 35:

That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #19 November 1999


This is the nineteenth in a series of teaching letters. With the last two teaching letters, I have distributed two 8 ½ x 14 pamphlets, four columns each side. The first pamphlet was entitled The Great Two Seedline Controversy War In Identity, and the second, Irish And Scottish Genealogy. One person alone ordered 200 of the Seedline pamphlets. Another man said this of the Seedline pamphlets: “As soon as I read it, I knew I wanted more.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #18 October 1999


This is the eighteenth in a series of teaching letters. With the last lesson, I concluded the study appertaining to Emperor Constantine the Great. I have been dissecting, examining and analyzing his story since the end of Watchman’s Teaching Letter #15. My method of approaching a subject is to cut it up into many small pieces, and examine it from every possible angle. Starting with lesson #13, April, 1999, I began a continuing study on the history of the British Celtic church inaugurated by Joseph of Arimathaea, being ordained by Philip the Apostle to do so. All the seventeen lessons, so far, since lesson #1, have concerned themselves with the topic of Judah in one way or another. Because the British are of the Zerah branch of Judah, this lesson is a continuation of the same subject matter. Emperor Constantine died in 337 A.D., and the next important historical element which detrimentally affected the history of the British Celtic church was the invasion of Britain by the various tribes of Saxons along with the Jutes.

I would urge you to make copies of these lessons on the British church and give them to your uninformed friends, especially of Irish or Scottish descent. This is the history of their ancestors and their church! The Irish and Scots are of the same stock except they arrived in Britain at different times. The ancestors of the Irish arrived about 1600 B.C. and the Scots arrived 501 A.D., via Scythia and Spain. The emblem for both is the Red Hand. The only reason the Irish and Scots are mostly Roman Catholic today is because King Henry II, sold them out to Pope Adrian at the Synod of Cashel. If the Roman Catholic Irish and Scots (and Protestant, for that matter) ever learn their true history, that the Celtic church of Britain was the first true church outside of the one at Jerusalem (and never the Roman Catholic Church), hell would seem like a mild place to be, in comparison to their presence. 

Now Continuing The Topic:



To start this lesson, I am going to quote from the book, The Story of the Irish Race, by Seumas MacManus (assisted by several Irish scholars), pages 327-328:

“ Then he (King Henry II) won Rome too. He had a synod of the Irish ecclesiastics — all but the Primate Gelasius, and the other northerns — called at Cashel, where, following the example of their chiefs the Bishops acknowledged Henry as lord supreme in Ireland. At this synod they passed decrees for the bettering (?) of church discipline, which, being sent to Rome, confirmed the fact that Henry was carrying out his undertaking, and reforming morals (?) in the land, and evoked from Alexander the Third the letter confirmatory of Adrian’s (an English Pope’s) Bull.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #17 September 1999


This is the seventeenth in a series of teaching letters. With this lesson, we shall continue with the much neglected and ignored story of the Zerah branch of Judah. I started this phase of the Zerah-Judah narration with lesson #13. You will need lessons #13 through 16 to comprehend the entire story that has been introduced thus far. In the last two lessons we have been considering the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, and how he fits into history. I was hoping to complete the account of Constantine with the last lesson, but there remain some very important, momentous facts about him that demand our very keen and avid attention! I believe, once these astounding, true realities are contemplated, you will never ever look on Constantine in the same manner again. 

Now Continuing The Topic:



As a consequence of the first Ecumenical or General Council of Nicaea (A.D. 325) Constantine’s actions were experienced for the better in Babylon.  For this portion of the account of Constantine, we will go to The Story Of Civilization, Part (volume) 1, “Our Oriental Heritage”, by Will Durant, pages 245-246 (First Durant quotes the historian Herodotus as follows.):

Watchman's Teaching Letter #16 August 1999


This is the sixteenth in a series of teaching letters. In the last three letters (#13 through #15), I have been continuing the much neglected story of the Zerah branch of Judah. If you don’t already have issues 13 through 15, you will need them to go along with this lesson. To understand the entire Judah story, you will need all of the issues from #1 through #15, including this one. I have not yet reached the end of the story of the true British church as opposed to the false Roman Catholic Church. Here is a brief summary of lesson #15: First I covered the Boadicean war, and gave you some background history on what caused it. I next brought forward the astounding information showing that Apostle Paul and Rufus Pudens were half-brothers. I am sure there are many who have never heard, or have become aware of this fact. Continuing, it was discussed at length how Good King Lucius was the first to nationalize the church which was established by Joseph of Arimathea. I finished up letter #15 with the subject of Constantine the Great, which is a quite different version than the usual account given by most historians.

For all of you who are helping in the support of this teaching ministry, I want to thank you very much. I am trying to bring you the most exciting informative facts I can find. There is no reason why history has to be dull. I was not able to finish the subject on the man, Emperor Constantine, in the last teaching letter, so I will continue it here. 

Now Continuing The Topic:


The Diocletian persecution covered the entire area of the Roman Empire at his time, but in the city of Rome itself, there was no one left to carry on the British church which had been started there, after the persecutions had subsided. We can know this for sure, as there are no records of the British church established by the Pudens family being connected in any way with the later Roman Catholic Church. In fact, the Roman Catholic Church claims that Peter appointed the first bishop Linus, which is a false claim, for Paul appointed Linus as bishop. All the members of that church, with its bishops, had evidently been martyred. What was started in its stead was not ordained or given authority by Yahshua! The instrument by which the Roman Catholic Universal Church claims authority is called “The Donation of Constantine” which has been proven by historians to be a forgery. It is important to understand the Roman Catholic Universal Church is not related in any way to the original British church organized by St. Paul, called “Basilica Di S. Pudenziana”, at Rome. For information on “The Donation of Constantine”, I am going to quote from, The Horizon History Of Christianity, by Roland H. Bainton, pages 243-244:

Watchman's Teaching Letter #15 July 1999


This is the fifteenth in a series of teaching letters. In the last two letters (#13 and #14), I have been bringing you the much neglected story of the Zerah branch of Judah. You will need these back issues to go along with this one. As a matter of fact, you will need all of the issues from #1 to #14, if you don’t already have copies of them. This story of Judah is very complicated, and requires much study and research to comprehend. In the last fourteen issues, I feel I have only scratched the surface of what should be known of the Judah and Tamar story. It is important to include Tamar, for if there had not been a Tamar, there never would have been a Tribe of Judah, and thus a Redeemer for Israel! We came within one woman (Tamar) of not having our redemption. It is so sad to think that many only consider her a common street whore. That is because they really don’t know the full story. This proves how shallow some people’s understanding is, and that includes a lot of professional men of the cloth. Learning the truth might not be very popular, as some may considered it to be on the lunatic fringe.

Once again, I want to thank everyone of you who are helping with the expenses of this ministry. I have tried to make this monthly letter something different and beyond the average run-of-the-mill teaching instrument. I am persuaded you will have to concede that I am getting into areas of study and research which many others have not brought forth, nor care to touch. I know that I am quoting extensively from various sources, but I am trying to condense the most important facts and arrange them in an understandable order. My major concern is — there are many fast talking so-called teachers and preachers out there doing incomprehensible damage faster than I can make repairs. The only way I know to fight this kind of error is with truth, more truth, and still more truth; but truth is not popular. It isn’t now nor ever was. Many people feel more comfortable with something less than the truth. 

Now Continuing The Topic:   


There may be some of you wondering when I am going to change the subject from Judah to something else. I feel it is imperative that we know the entire story of Judah, or we will not understand the Redeemer Himself. If we don’t know the Judah story, we can have no idea who the true church is. Almost everyone is under the impression that somehow the true church came through the Roman Catholic Church, and this is entirely false. With this lesson, we will continue the history of the British Celtic church. In order to get started, I will go back to about 60 A.D. and pick up some of the story from there. We are going to consider one of the brilliant lady military leaders of that time. Her name was Boadicea. I will quote from two different books in order to cover the story. I will first quote from Father Abraham’s Children, by Perry Edwards Powell, Ph. D., pages 108-109:

Watchman's Teaching Letter #14 June 1999


This is the fourteenth in a series of teaching letters. In my last teaching letter (the thirteenth), I started a study on the Zerah branch of Judah with which a whole lot of people are not familiar. Because this subject covers so much territory, it was not possible to cover it in one lesson. For this reason, this lesson will be a continuation of letter number thirteen. (If you don’t have lesson #13, you will need it to go along with this one.) It was shown in the last lesson, how the Zerah branch of Judah had kings of royalty long before the House of David. It was discussed how the two royal branches of Judah (Pharez and Zerah) were eventually merged together. That is another important story which I will cover in the future. We learned the Zerah branch left Egypt before the main body of Israelites went through the Red Sea, and became the famous Trojans of history in Asia Minor. Approximately 400 years later, they eventually moved on to Italy. Furthermore, we learned many of them, after some maneuvering, made their way to Britain. We gained the knowledge of how the Britons and Romans, in spite of being kinsmen, each country respectively developed different histories in law, politics and religion. We acquired the important knowledge that Joseph of Arimathaea established the first above ground church in history, and that the Roman Catholic Universal Church’s claim of being the first church was, and still is, entirely false. As a matter of fact, the entire Roman Catholic Church system is a counterfeit church along with its “daughters.” We became aware, the reason Rome invaded Britain under Claudius, was to destroy the British church before it could get established. It was revealed, further, how Linus and Claudia of Timothy 4:21 were converts of the British church. With this lesson, we will continue with more interesting aspects related to this Zerah branch of Judah theme. 

Now Continuing the Topic:


To get started with this second in a series on the Church of Britain, I will quote from The Origin and Early History of Christianity In Britain, by Andrew Gray, D.D., pages 36-37:

“ It could scarcely be expected that a people so savage as the Britons, so devoted to their superstitions, and so depressed by their fierce invaders, could speedily be converted to the Christian Faith. The branch of the spiritual vine, therefore, though planted so early in the soil of Britain, was, from the nature of things, slow in its growth, and during the first century did not make a rapid progress. By the middle of the second century, however, ‘She had sent out her boughs unto the sea, and her branches unto the river’; for it is evident that, by that time, a large number of the inhabitants, of all ranks, had abandoned idolatry and had embraced the Christian Faith. We have already seen that the first Church [building] ever built in Britain, and probably in Christendom, was erected at Glastonbury in the first century. ...

Watchman's Teaching Letter #13 May 1999


This is the thirteenth in a series of teaching letters. In the last teaching letter (twelfth), I showed you the true meaning of Daniel 7:24-25. I brought much documentation concerning how Justinian subdued three nations, and how he codified and modified the former Roman laws. I further showed how the Roman church adopted Justinian’s laws and enforced them upon the laity for a prophesied period of 1,260 years. While most of the continent of Europe was suffering under the Justinian law codes, Britain was under an entirely different type of law. With this lesson, we will explore the kind of law Britain employed along with its origin. Also, with this lesson, we will be getting into areas few teachers wish to contemplate or talk about when they consider Judah. This lesson is going to fit hand in glove with lesson twelve. Again, I will remind you in advance, THIS LESSON HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH JUDAH! 

Now Continuing the Topic:


With this lesson, we are going to get into the history of the Zerah branch of Judah (sometimes spelled Zara). Unless this history is learned, you will arrive at many false conclusions of Scripture. There are multitudes who don’t know this history, and as a natural result, many are under strange delusions on many passages of Scripture. Examples of these will be discussed later. To get a favorable beginning on this subject, I am going to quote from the book, Father Abraham’s Children, by Perry Edwards Powell, Ph. D., pages 98-101:


Let us put it in a different way, here is the beginning of royalty. What else does scepter mean? Judah led in the conquest of Canaan and received the first and choicest portion. David raised it to pre-eminence over the tribes and the nations. He is the first king of the Judah-Pharez line, and he did not appear for seven hundred years. Was there and is there an older line of royalty? The answer is, Yes. The Judah-Zerah was royal from the beginning. The two royalties are now merged and have been for centuries in the British royal house. And how long shall we have royalty? ‘Until Shiloh comes.’ [The future] Shiloh came to Bethlehem, the first Advent, and will come again [as Shiloh] at the end of time, the second Advent. Royalty is eternal. The throne of David is everlasting. There is no royalty in Europe but descends from Judah. And the Judah-Zerah royalty is, we repeat, seven hundred years older than Judah-Pharez because it began at once. You can read Genesis 38 to see how royalty began [but there is much more to talk about].

Watchman's Teaching Letter #12 April 1999


This is the twelfth in a series of teaching letters. This will complete the first full year for me in researching, compiling and writing these letters. Since I have completed a whole year of publishing these letters, I plan to bind them up in plastic comb binders and offer them as my first yearbook and include them on my list of teaching aids. My plan is to offer these teaching letter year books as Yahweh gives me time to do it. I have designed my writings in a fashion so they will not go out of date.

In my last (eleventh) teaching letter, I told you the object of these teaching letters was to remind you we still have an enemy — that we are in a war — and the enemy has not gone away. I reminded you we have had this enemy now for over 7,000 years, and there exists over this period an enmity (hatred) between us and them since Genesis 3:15, which continues today. The enmity is actually a religion of “hate”, as the enemy correctly designates it. I brought to your attention this ongoing hatred is a two-way phenomenon between we the White race and the satanic descendants of Cain. I reiterated this hate was not going to be reconciled until one or the other parties are completely destroyed (Malachi 4:1)  that it is a war to the death — that it was, and still is, a war between the descendants of Eve by Adam and the descendants of Satan and Eve through Cain.

I also brought up the fact that there were many false teachers in this movement. It seems to be my sad duty to point out these spurious (not genuine) teachings. With this lesson, I will be throwing light on a passage that has been interpreted incorrectly by almost every Bible teacher. The reason these Bible teachers come up with these erroneous conclusions is because they refuse to study anything except the Bible. To really understand Scripture you need the Scripture on one side of your lap and a history book on the other. To study the Scripture without the study of history only leads to confusion. You simply cannot understand the Bible without an understanding of history, and if you don’t like to study history, you have a problem.


Now Continuing the Topic:



With this lesson, we are going to continue the study of Judah. In this study, we will consider a passage that was prophesied by Daniel during the Judean captivity in Babylon, and see how it affected Judah when it was fulfilled about 1,100 years later. This passage is Daniel 7:24-25 which we will read at this time:

“24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #11 March 1999


This is the eleventh in a series of teaching letters. The object of these teaching letters is to remind you we still have an enemy — we are in a war — that the enemy has not gone away. We have had this enemy now for over 7,000 years, and the enmity (hatred) that exists between them and us, has existed ever since Genesis 3:15, and is still with us today! Yes, it is a religion of “hate.” The enemy often uses this term while pointing us out as the hating party. It is probably the only truth they have ever told, but it is only a half-truth. If you will read Genesis 3:15 quite closely, you will discover it is a two-way hatred. The enemy neglects to tell you the other side of the story, their hatred for us. This two-way hatred has been escalating throughout all these years. It is a very natural thing for our enemy to hate us, and if we can ever shake off the brainwashing our people have been victims to, that we should love everybody, there is a very natural hatred underlying our beings also. It is a Yahweh given hatred, so don’t fight this Divine given hatred, but let it come to the surface where it belongs. The enemy makes no qualms about their hatred for us in their secret meetings. It’s not my words, but Yahweh’s Word, And I will put HATRED between thee and the woman, and between thy descendants and her descendants. So, if you are a descendant of Yahweh, He says you have His hatred for the enemy built into your very being. Don’t try to hold this Yahweh given hatred back, or it will simply make you physically ill. There are teachers in Israel Identity today who are teaching that Genesis 3:15 is not true, that there is no enemy except the flesh. I don’t have to tell you their names, you know who they are! These false teachers seem to be drawing all the crowds and collecting in all the support, while those telling the truth are being maligned (as per usual in Israel). There is coming a time when these false teachers will have to answer for what they are saying! For being a false pastor, false prophet or a false watchman, Yahweh’s Divine Law prescribes the death penalty. Once you come to an understanding of who the enemy is, it is your duty to inform your brethren. Not only should you inform your brethren, but you should take those giving false proclamations to task. You should let them know, in no uncertain terms, you don’t appreciate their false positions. If you find that you are not gifted in proclaiming the story, at least you can sustain those who are fighting on the front lines.  By the way, I want to thank every one of you who are helping to keep this teaching ministry alive and going.


Now Continuing the Topic:



In lesson #10, we were teaching about the division among the Judah captives going into the Babylonian captivity, some going earlier as good figs and some going later as bad figs . It would be well to repeat Jeremiah chapter 24 where the terms “good” and “naughty” (bad) figs are found:

“1 The Lord shewed me, and behold, two baskets of figs were set before the temple of the Lord, after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of  Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon. 2 One basket had very good figs, even like the figs that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad. 3 Then said the Lord unto me, What seest thou Jeremiah? And I said, Figs: the good figs, very good; and the evil, very evil, that cannot be eaten they are so evil. 4 Again the word of the Lord came unto me saying, 5 Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel; Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their good. 6 For I will set my eyes upon them for good, and I will bring them again to this land: and I will build them, and not pull them down; and I will plant them and not pluck them up. 7 And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be  my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart. 8 And as the evil figs, which cannot be eaten, they are so evil; surely thus saith the Lord, So will I give Zedekiah the king of Judah, and his princes, and the residue of Jerusalem, that remain in this land, and them that dwell in the land of Egypt: 9 And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I will drive them. 10 And I will send the sword, the famine, and the pestilence, among them, till they be consumed from off the land that I gave unto them and to their fathers.”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #10 February 1999


This is the tenth in a series of teaching letters. If you have not received any of my previous teaching letters, please send $2.00 for each back issue you would like to have. These teaching letters are not just the average run-of-the-mill type of letter. If you really want to learn the Scripture’s deepest hidden truths, you will not want to miss any of these back issues. Because of the nature of these teaching letters, they will not go out of date, so you will want to keep them in a safe place where they won’t get lost. I have been getting quite a bit of response to these teaching letters recently, and in a very positive way. I appreciate all the kind comments many of you have been making about my work. I am beginning to realize I am making a bigger impact than I ever thought possible. Again, I want to thank all of you who are helping to keep this teaching ministry going financially. All of your donations and purchases are deeply appreciated! As I no longer have an income and now depend on Social Security, you can imagine how precious each donation is (regardless of the size).


Now Continuing the Topic:



In my last teaching letter, I showed how the Samaritans were a mixture of 34 groups of ethnic peoples, many of which the Assyrians had placed in the old northern Kingdom of Israel after they took the Ten Tribes captive and displaced them from their land. I very carefully presented the history of the deportations by Assyria and Babylon proving that most of Judah went into Assyrian captivity while only the inhabitants of Jerusalem went into Babylonian captivity thus dividing the peoples of Judah. As a matter of fact, this division of the descendants of Judah was very extensive, as there were a whole series of divisions of the descendants of Judah and I will give you an overview of these divisions shortly. Then I returned to the subject of Nehemiah’s second return to Jerusalem to deal with the race-mixing that was going on during his time with the Samaritans and the people of the land, some of whom were the nations of the Canaanites who were infused with the Cain satanic seed-line.. Then I showed you how, after Nehemiah expelled the half-breeds and the heathen, Sanballet and company built their own separate temple on Mount Gerizim.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #9 January 1999


This is the ninth in a series of teaching letters. If you have not received any of my previous teaching letters, please send $2.00 for each back issue you would like to have. These teaching letters are not just the average run-of-the-mill type of letter. If you really want to learn the Scripture’s deepest hidden truths, you will not want to miss any of these back issues. Because of the nature of these teaching letters, they will not go out of date, so you will want to keep them in a safe place where they won’t get lost. I have been getting quite a bit of response to these teaching letters recently, and in a very positive way. I appreciate all the kind comments many of you have been making about my work. I am beginning to realize I am making a bigger impact than I ever thought possible. Again, I want to thank all of you who are helping to keep this teaching ministry going financially. All of your donations and purchases are deeply appreciated! As I no longer have an income and now depend on Social Security, you can imagine how precious each donation is (however small it may be). 

Now Continuing the Topic:


I am going to continue with this lesson from where I left off in lesson #8. In the last lesson, I considered an overview of the history during the inter-testament period from the return of the Judean exiles in Babylon to Jerusalem, until the time of Yahshua our Messiah, a period from about 529 B.C. to 4 B.C.  Then I concentrated on the period of the reconstruction of the temple and walls of Jerusalem during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, when a considerable amount of race mixing happened among the peoples of the land in the surrounding area. To understand just what kind of a race mixture this produced, we must know who was living in this area at this particular time and how they got there. To refresh your memory on this, I am going to repeat the last paragraph of lesson #8:


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