2009 Watchman's Teaching Letters

Watchman's Teaching Letter #140 December 2009


This is my one hundred and fortieth monthly teaching letter and continues my twelfth year of publication. In the last three lesson #’s 137, 138 & 139, I started a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told for which I was giving the reader a general overview before going into detail on the subject, which will take some time to complete, as it will cover seven stages: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage. The apostle Paul addressed the subject of marriage both with respect to Yahweh’s marriage to the twelve tribes of Israel, and the marriage of a man and woman. The laws that affect these two types of marriages are the same. This is not a subject that can be entirely addressed in one short lesson, nor should it be passed over lightly. As I have stated in the last three lessons, I’m following the outline of Dan Gayman in his nine-audiocassette series, and though he did well, there are areas where evidence proves some of his premises to be incorrect. In his presentation, Gayman spoke favorably of a trinity. As I demonstrated in the last lesson, if Yahshua Christ (the Lamb) and Yahweh are two different persons, then according to Scripture, Yahshua is going to marry His Father’s wife!

The main passages of Scripture that dispel the premise of a trinity of individual persons are John 12:45, where Christ addressed the Pharisees, “... he that seeth me seeth him that sent me”, and John 14:9, where He stated to Philip, “... he that hath seen me hath seen the Father ...” It is true that there is a Father-Son relationship spoken of in Scripture, but it is not “God in three persons”, but ONE GOD in three manifestations! An example of three manifestations is found at Matt. 28:19, where it states: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost ...”. Here John 12:45 and 14:9 take precedence over Matt. 28:19! Therefore, the subject of The Greatest Love Story Ever Told is incompatible with a trinity because it would have the Son marrying His Father’s wife! A very vile accusation indeed! Furthermore, the Father and Son have the same name; the Father being (Yah)weh and the son (Yah)shua; “Yah” being the abbreviated form of Yahweh! Therefore, the name is singular as the Greek substantiates! In positively no way does Matt. 28:19 prove a trinity; in fact, quite the opposite!

Watchman's Teaching Letter #139 November 2009


This is my one hundred thirty-ninth monthly teaching letter and continues my twelfth year of publication. In the last two lesson, #’s 137 & 138, I started a series entitled The Greatest Love Story Ever Told by which I was in the process of giving the reader a general overview before going into detail on the subject. This will take some time to complete as it will cover seven stages: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage. But something has happened since putting those lessons on the Internet and distributing the remainder of them to my U.S. Postal subscribers. I got a letter from a man whom I will not name at this point, stating in very large letters: “Jesus was not a Jew” ... “Oneness is Jewish”. On this first letter from him, there was no return address on the envelope nor anything inside the letter to indicate who he was. Well, about a week later, I received a second letter from him with his name and return address. Upon this, I typed out a letter back to him explaining some of the same things I presented to you in lessons #’s 137 & 138. Then, about a week later, I received a large envelope with a letter and a 15 page article on the “trinity” which he said he had written some years previous to this. Whereupon, I wrote him a second letter stating my position, citing several passages of Scripture in return to him. With that letter, in a large envelope, I returned to him much of my data, plus some of my past writings, which weighed about 4 ounces.

Therefore, I realized that I needed to address this matter of the doctrine of the “trinity” before we go any farther, as it is incompatible with the doctrine of the marriage of Yahweh to the twelve tribes of Israel! As I stated in the last two lessons, I’m following the outline of Dan Gayman in his nine-audiocassette series, and though he did well, there are areas where evidence proves some of his premises to be incorrect. For instance, in that series Gayman spoke favorably of a trinity. As I stated in lesson #138, if Yahshua Christ (the Lamb) and Yahweh are two different persons, then according to Scripture, Yahshua is going to marry His Father’s wife! Therefore, in essence, Gayman was destroying his own thesis.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #138 October 2009


This is my one hundred thirty-eighth monthly teaching letter and continues my twelfth year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul where he addresses the subject of marriage both in respect to Yahweh’s marriage to the twelve tribes of Israel, and the marriage of a man and woman. The law that affect these two types of marriages are the same. It is no short topic and it will take several lessons to cover. As I stated in the last lesson, I’m following the outline of Dan Gayman in his nine-audiocassette series, and though he did well, there are areas where evidence proves some of his premises to be incorrect. For instance, Gayman, in that series, spoke favorably of a trinity. As I stated in the last lesson, if Yahshua Christ (the Lamb) and Yahweh are two different persons, then according to Scripture, Yahshua is going to marry His Father’s wife! Therefore, in essence, Gayman was destroying his own thesis.

Now continuing:     


This love story will have seven stages of development: (1) the courtship, (2) the marriage, (3) the honeymoon, (4) the estrangement, (5) the divorce, (6) the reconciliation, and (7) the remarriage. In the last lesson, I started with an overview of the subject of Yahweh marrying the twelve tribes of Israel. With this lesson, I will continue with that overview before I start on the subject of the “courtship”.

Upon inspecting Yahweh’s marriage to the twelve tribes of Israel, by the terms of their wedding vows they agreed to accept His absolute, ultimate, lawful authority over every aspect of their lives. When we get to the marriage ceremony, we will examine that history in great detail. As we proceed through the courtship and marriage phases, it will become quite obvious why we should obey these same rules in our own personal lives, for Yahweh expects no more of us than He would do Himself. That is why it was necessary for Him to come in the flesh as Yahshua to die, as that was the only option He had under His own law, in order to remarry the twelve tribes. Yahshua being as a second person wouldn’t have met Yahweh’s lawful requirements. In fact, that would have broken His law!

Watchman's Teaching Letter #137 September 2009


This is my one hundred thirty-seventh monthly teaching letter and continues my twelfth year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul, and we’ll address what Paul meant at Romans 9:25-27 where he stated:

Watchman's Teaching Letter #136 August 2009


This is my one hundred thirty-sixth monthly teaching letter and continues my twelfth year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul, and we’ll address what Paul meant by the term “beast” at Hebrews 12:20 where he stated: “For they could not endure that which was commanded, And if so much as a beast touch the mountain, it shall be stoned, or thrust through with a dart.” In order to cover the term “beast”, when used as an idiom throughout Scripture, we will start with a much misunderstood passage found at Jeremiah 31:27 which is rendered thusly by the KJV (except for the name “Yahweh”):

“Behold, the days come, saith Yahweh, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man(120), and with the seed of beast(929).”

In order to grasp the importance of what is being said in this verse, one must take into consideration the entire 30th and 31st chapters of Jeremiah, plus much of Ezekiel chapter 18. This verse is prophecy, and one must determine at what period of time it was, or will be fulfilled. It is only when we survey all of the 30th and 31st chapters of Jeremiah that we can discover the time element for such a fulfillment. The following is a verse-by-verse, general topical outline of chapters 30 and 31 found in Adam Clarke’s Commentary. We must remember, though, during his lifetime, Clarke was not aware that the present-day people calling themselves “Jews” were and are not Israelites of the tribe of Judah, but nevertheless, some of his comments are worthy of note. Before continuing with this subject, I would highly recommend that each reader take the time to read and study Jeremiah chapters 30 & 31 using the following outline by Clarke:

“CHAPTER XXX: This and the following chapter [XXXI] must relate to a still future restoration of the posterity of Jacob from their several dispersions, as no deliverance hitherto afforded them comes up to the terms of it; for, after the return from Babylon, they were again enslaved by the Greeks and Romans, contrary to the prediction in the eighth verse [of chapter XXX] ... so that this prophecy remains to be fulfilled in the reign of David, i.e., the Messiah; the type, according to the general structure of the prophetical writings, being put for the antitype. The prophecy opens by an easy transition from the temporal deliverance spoken of before, and describes the mighty revolutions that shall precede the restoration of the descendants of Israel, 1-9, who are encouraged to trust in the promises of God, 10, 11. They are, however, to expect corrections; which shall have a happy issue in a future period, 12-17. The great blessings of Messiah’s reign are enumerated, 18-22; and the wicked and impenitent declared to have no share in them, 23, 24.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #135 July 2009


This is my one hundred thirty-fifth monthly teaching letter and continues my twelfth year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul. With this lesson we’ll see neither Paul, nor any of the other apostles, ever taught the deplorable emotional demonstrations that pervade what is falsely identified as “pentecostalism” today. It will be demonstrated that today’s brand of “pentecostalism” is nothing more than a man-devised system of false religion. I will be using several excerpts from various websites to expose these corrupt perversions of Biblical interpretation. After you’ve read the following evidence, you’ll wonder why anyone would have followed such charlatans! My first reference on the charismatic movement will be from Wikipedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charismatic_movement>:

“The term Charismatic Movement describes the adoption (circa 1960 onwards for Protestants, 1967 onwards for Roman Catholics) of certain beliefs typical of those held by Pentecostal Christians by those within the historic denominations. The term ‘charismatic’ was first coined by Harald Bredesen, a Lutheran minister, in 1962, to describe what was happening at that time in the older churches. Confronted with the term ‘neo-Pentecostal,’ he said ‘We prefer the title ‘the charismatic renewal in the historic churches’.’ The genesis of the Charismatic Movement however is variously attributed to Father Dennis Bennett, an Episcopal priest, in 1960. His book Nine O’Clock in the Morning gives a personal account of this period. ....

“The term ‘Charismatic Movement’ is sometimes confused with the term ‘charismatic.’ The word ‘charismatic’ is an umbrella term used to describe those Christians who believe that the manifestations of the Holy Spirit seen in the first century Christian church (see e.g. the book of Acts ), such as miracles, prophecy, and glossolalia (speaking in other tongues or languages), are available to contemporary Christians and may be experienced and practiced today. ...

Watchman's Teaching Letter #134 June 2009


This is my one hundred thirty-fourth monthly teaching letter and continues my twelfth year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul. In the last three lessons of this series it has been clearly demonstrated that Paul never taught a “secret rapture” of the church. To suggest such a thing is to accuse Paul of following Satan’s agenda!

Watchman's Teaching Letter #133 May 2009


This is my one hundred thirty-third monthly teaching letter and begins my twelfth year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul. In the last two lessons in this series it has been clearly demonstrated that Paul never taught a “secret rapture” of the church. There is yet much to be said on this subject, so this will be a continuation of that same theme. It may seem to the reader that the name of Paul isn’t being mentioned very much in this series exposing the secret rapture fallacy, but all of this data needs to be presented in order to clear Paul of teaching such a preposterous farce. In the last lesson it was pretty well demonstrated that every year of Daniel’s 70-weeks prophecy (490 years) was fulfilled in its entirety, with nothing left over to project 2000 years into the future. A double witness will now be given by William Finck to confirm that thesis. This lesson will separate the serious student from the average surface reader:

William Finck’s (Nov. 2002) Notes Concerning I Esdras, Ezra (II Esdras) And Nehemiah:

Persian Kings of the period:

• Cyrus                                                         550-529 B.C.

• Cambyses                                                   529-522 B.C.

• Pseudo Smerdis (the magi)                            522-521 B.C.

• Darius (Hystaspis)                                        521-486 B.C.

• Xerxes                                                        486-465 B.C.

• Artaxerxes                                                   465-445 B.C.

To show that this period is well-recorded in history, all of these Persian kings up to Xerxes were discussed at length by Herodotus. Shortly after Artaxerxes, the Peloponnesian wars among the Greeks began (431-404 B.C.). Darius Nothos (“the bastard”) ruled Persia from 426, and Artaxerxes II from 407 B.C. The brother of Artaxerxes II, Cyrus the Younger, led a rebellion against him and lost his life in its failure. This was a subject of Xenophon’s “Anabasis”. All of the dates here concur with John Clark Ridpath’s chronologies.

Because the Septuagint Greek was translated from the Hebrew at a time very close in antiquity to the actual events discussed here, especially compared to the A.V. English (and because the LXX is, I am starting to believe, more reliable than the Masoretic Text in many cases) I have chosen to adhere to that version for this study, although at times I may refer to or quote the A.V.

Watchman's Teaching Letter #132 April 2009


This is my one hundred thirty-second monthly teaching letter and completes my eleventh year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul. In lesson, #131, for March, 2009 it was clearly demonstrated that Paul never taught the “secret rapture” of the church (assembly) which is being strongly promoted today by nominal mainstream churchianity. In WTL #131 I quoted from Paul’s epistles, at 1st Corinthians 15:51-58 & 1 Thess. 4:13-18 and proceeded to demonstrate that the idea of a “rapture” followed by a “seven year period of tribulation” was purely a Roman Catholic invention in order to avoid the prophecy of the Pope being identified as the “Antichrist” by the Reformers. Summing up the last WTL, I stated: It all began as a Roman Catholic invention. Thus, the Jesuit priest Ribera’s writings influenced the Jesuit priest Lacunza; Lacunza influenced Irving; Irving influenced Darby; Darby influenced Scofield; Scofield and Darby influenced D.L. Moody, and Moody influenced the Pentecostal Movement; and the Pentecostal Movement influenced the Charismatic Movement, and I don’t want to have the slightest part in this satanic plot which is dreamed up and supported by Canaanite-jews. It should also be pointed out that the so-called Pentecostal movement turned out to be a tool of Satan to encourage multicultural race-mixing in America and throughout the world.

Again, in order to defend Paul from this monstrous, heretical plot of Satan and his children to corrupt Scripture, I will continue in this lesson to expose the errors of “futurism”. This will not be an exposé promoting praeterism, for that doctrine is just as erroneous as futurism, also invented by a Roman Catholic Jesuit. What we are going to deal with in this lesson is properly interpreting Daniel’s prophecies, which Paul surely would never have stated anything to the contrary. As I showed in the last lesson, it was Darby who theorized that there is a 2000 year gap between Daniel’s 69th and 70th weeks (a week being a week of years). So the question arises: Is Daniel’s 70th week past or yet future?

Watchman's Teaching Letter #131 March 2009


This is my one hundred thirty-first monthly teaching letter and continues my eleventh year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul. With this lesson, we will look into Paul’s revealing of an important mystery at 1st Corinthians 15:51-58, which states according to the KJV:

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? 56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

William Finck, in his translations of The Letters Of Paul renders this same passage at 1st Corinthians 15:51-58 thusly:

51 Behold I tell you a mystery, we shall not all fall asleep, but we shall all be changed. 52 In an instant, in a dart of an eye, with the last trumpet; for it shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 This decay wants to be clothed in incorruptibility, and this mortal to be clothed in immortality. 54 And when this decay shall have put on incorruptibility, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then the word that has been written shall come to pass: ‘Death has been swallowed in victory.’ 55 ‘Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?’ 56 Now the sting of death is guilt, and the power of guilt is the law; 57 but gratitude is to Yahweh, in whom we are being given the victory through our Prince, Yahshua Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, you become steadfast, immovable, at all times being abundant in the work of the Prince, knowing that your toil is not empty with the Prince.”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #130 February 2009


This is my one hundred thirtieth monthly teaching letter and continues my eleventh year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul. With this lesson, we’ll continue observing his life and ministry. We will pick up his story in the 9th chapter of Acts, which is an important turning point for the establishment of the Christian ekklesia. Paul never used the term “church”! Up until Acts 9, it was all about Peter and the other of Christ’s apostles, and worship was still being conducted at synagogues and the Temple. What many don’t seem to understand is the fact that prior to this, the Temple and the synagogues had been infiltrated by the Edomites. Eusebius speaks of this in his The Church History 1:6, and my translation is by Paul L. Maier, pages 34-35:

“When the line of Jewish [sic Judaean] rulers ceased, the orderly succession of high priests from generation to generation fell into instant confusion. The reliable Josephus reports that Herod, once made king by the Romans, no longer appointed high priests of the ancient line but obscure sorts instead, a practice followed by his son Archelaus and the Roman governors after him when they took over the government of the Jews. The same writer reports that Herod was the first to lock up the sacred vestment of the high priest and keep it under his own seal rather than priestly control, as did his successor Archelaus and the Romans after him.”

Not only this, but once Herod took power he attempted to destroy all of Israel’s genealogical records, ibid. 1:7, page 37:

“... So Herod, with no Israelite ancestry and pained by his base origins, burned the genealogical records, thinking he would appear of noble birth if no one were able to trace his bloodline from public documents. A few, however, carefully kept private records of their own, either remembering the names or finding them in copies, and took pride in preserving the memory of their aristocratic birth ...”

Watchman's Teaching Letter #129 January 2009


This is my one hundred twenty-ninth monthly teaching letter and continues my eleventh year of publication. This is another in a series on the apostle Paul. With this lesson, I’m going to demonstrate that Paul understood and taught the Two Seedline message. For documentation on this fact, I’ll cite Romans 16:20 where Paul wrote: “And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Master Yahshua Christ be with you ...”

Whether Paul received this in one of his revelations from Yahshua or understood it from the book of Daniel is uncertain. Whatever the case, Paul didn’t live quite long enough to see this prophecy fulfilled. Actually Paul was not the first to make this prediction. If Paul understood this from the book of Daniel it would have been Dan. 9:25-26: 25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.”

This passage is somewhat confusing inasmuch as most of it is speaking 400 plus years in Daniel’s future, while the remark “... the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times ...” is a short range prophecy. For our purpose here, we can overlook this remark for the time being. In these two verses we have mention of two different princes. Rightly so, the translators have capitalized the “Prince” in verse 25, while in verse 26 the “prince” is not capitalized. So we know that the Prince at verse 25 is no other than Yahshua the Messiah while the prince at verse 26 is someone else. Therefore it is speaking of two different princes rather than just one! Though the term “prince” has many variations of meaning, the princes spoken of in these passages are both non-reigning male members of a royal family. Not only that, but both of these princes represent princes in the royal family of the patriarch Judah!


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