Patriarchal Chronology


Because of the changes made to the lengths of the Patriarchs' lifetimes, a great latitude must be given with regards to chronology in this chart. The Masoretes made changes to the Holy Scriptures sometime after the Crucifixion, but before about 300 A.D. Ephrem the Syrian testified to this and accused the" Jews" of subtracting at least 600 years from the text in order to deny that Yahshua was the Messiah who had come at the appointed time.

Total Discrepancy: 1486 Years

Further Evidence: When Terah died at 205, Abraham (not his firstborn) was only 75, so Terah must have been 130 when Abraham was born. Gen. 11:26, 27, 32; 12:4.  

Masoretic Text      
Age When Son Was Born
Years Lived
Year of Birth ACA
Year of Death ACA
Adam 130 930 0 930
Seth 105 912 130 1042
Enos 90 905 235 1140
Cainan 70 910 325 1235
Mahalaleel 65 895 395 1290
Jared 162 962 460 1422
Enoch 65 365 622 987
Methuselah 187 969 687 1656
Lamech 182 777 874 1651
Noah 500 950 1056 2006
Shem 100 600 1556 2156
Arphaxad 35 438 1656 2094
Salah 30 433 1691 2124
Heber 34 464 1721 2185
Peleg 30 239 1755 1994
Reu 32 239 1785 2024
Serug 30 230 1817 2047
Nahor 29 148 1847 1995
Terah 130 205 1876 2081
Abraham 100 175 2006 2181


Age When Son Was Born
Years Lived
Year of Birth ACA
Year of Death ACA
Adam 230 930 0 930
Seth 205 912 230 1142
Enos 190 905 435 1340
Cainan 170 910 625 1535
Mahalaleel 165 895 795 1690
Jared 162 962 960 1922
Enoch 165 365 1122 1487
Methuselah 187 969 1287 2256
Lamech 188 753 1474 2227
Noah 500 950 1662 2612
Shem 100 600 2162 2762
Arphaxad 135 435 2262 2697
Kainan 130 460 2397 2857
Salah 130 460 2527 2987
Heber 134 404 2657 3061
Peleg 130 339 2791 3130
Reu 132 339 2921 3260
Serug 130 330 3053 3383
Nahor 179 304 3183 3487
Terah 130 205 3362 3567
Abraham 100 175 3492 3667


