This will be a sequel to my brochure entitled Arabs, Friend Or Foe? I put that flyer together with the help of William Finck with his letter to me August 6, 2006 where Bill stated: “So that you know, this is what I’ve been writing concerning the situation in Palestine, which of course...
Other Two-Seedline Papers
The cited verse above, from the KJV, reads: “And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the ...
This may seem like a very strange question to ask, but according to the clergy today this is, in essence, what they are claiming. You will probably, in all likelihood, declare you have never heard any of them ever make such a statement. But, I believe before we are finished, you will have to agree that they have made the allegation suggested in the above title many times.
...Most of you are aware of the extensive research I have done on the subject of Two Seedline. I will now present solid evidence that Two Seedline is no new doctrine as some so cocksurely insinuate. I get this testimony from the book The Celtic Church In Britain by Leslie Hardinge, in a chapter entitled “The Role of the Scriptures”, page 48. Though Hardinge does not trace the Celtic Church back to the Church set up at Glastonbury by Joseph of Arimathea about five years after the Passion, he does...
Many are under the impression that the early church knew nothing concerning the doctrine of Two Seedline, and that it is not a Biblical doctrine. Nothing could be further from the truth! The Celtic Church of Britain (a church not dominated by Rome) was well aware of the doctrine of Two Seedline! And the Celtic Church was the second assembly after Jerusalem.
That the “Jews” are neither Israel nor Judah may be difficult for some to grasp. With this paper it will be shown that there is an appropriate usage for each of these three terms. Therefore, to use them synonymously (as if all three had the same identical meaning) exhibits gross ignorance on the part of the one speaking or writing with such an inference. It will be demonstrated that the house of Judah is not the house of Israel, nor is...
Right away, someone is going to object, citing two reasons, (1) that all of Cain’s descendants were drowned in Noah’s flood, and (2) that Genesis 4:1 says that Adam was Cain’s father. As for Adam being Cain’s father...
This paper is an antithesis written in response to a fifteen page booklet entitled Who Was Responsible for the Death of the Messiah?, by Matthew Janzen, 3470 E. Hightower Trail, Conyers, GA 30012. In his treatise, Janzen shows his utmost inability to reconcile the context of the Bible by making some of the most outlandishly bizarre statements imaginable. In theory, his object is to interpret Scripture in such a way as to make...
What is virtually overlooked in the story of Cain and Abel in the fourth chapter of Genesis is the fact that they were both offering a sacrifice, and in the Bible, only priests were authorized to do so. Secondly, unless circumstances prevented it, it was always the firstborn son that was given this dignity. Inasmuch as we understand that Eve was the mother of both Cain and Abel, it is obvious that Cain was the firstborn of the serpent (i.e., Satan),...
Program notes, Yahweh’s Covenant People, April 10th, 2010
Topic: The British...