Many reasons have been conjectured for the cause/causes for the United States Civil War, other than the unvarnished, absolute truth of the matter! We are misled by various sources with an agenda that it was the abolitionists of the North against the slave states of the South, which is true to some extent, but it was not the immediate-firsthand reason for going to war. The abolitionist movement was active in England...
Historical Topics
This is a sequel to my exposé Following The Trail Of the “Scarlet-Thread”. In that paper, I traced the Scarlet Thread from the birth of Zerah-Judah in old Canaan to Egypt, and then through Troy, then Rome, Greece, and finally to Britain. With this paper we shall concentrate on the Trojan-Roman connection. It is paramount that we understand this correlation or a good portion of our Bible will continue to remain a...
“... Homer relates that Troy reached its greatest splendor in the reign of King Priam. Its destruction was caused by Paris, a son of Priam, who abducted Helen, the wife of Menelaus, King of Sparta, and carried her off to the Trojan capital. The Greeks spent 10 years in collecting an army to avenge this outrage, and, under the leadership of Agamemnon, who had 1,186 ships and 100,000 men drove the Trojans within the walls of Troy ...
If you are among the many who never realized there are three different tribes of Judah, don’t feel bad for most of the clergy are not aware of that fact either! Strange that such should be the case, for it’s their responsibility to understand, and teach such things! By accepting compensation under such false pretense, they fall under a most dishonorable Biblical category of “hireling.” One may not realize it, but our...
To hit the road running on this subject, I will quote the audio portion from a You-tube video on my website: THE JEWESS BARBARA LERNER SPECTRE CALLS FOR THE GENOCIDE OF THE ENTIRE WHITE EUROPEAN RACE (that the jews are Edomites, check Josephus’ Antiquities, bk. 13, ch. 9, par. 1):
From the book, The International Jew by Henry Ford, Sr. (abridged and prepared by Gerald L.K. Smith, pp. 5-8...
In the first paper by this title, we investigated the wolves’ false claim that the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, published in Henry Ford’s ...
In this third paper, we are going to try to discern what Benjamin Franklin meant when he allegedly said, “I fully agree with General Washington ...” In order to find out, I will repeat part of two quotations by Franklin, (1) one that is highly documented, and (2) one which the converso-Edomites (calling themselves jews) claim is a forgery...
With this fourth essay we will examine the proven fact of how the wolves not only deny their obvious designs to completely liquidate the White race out-of-existence, but have simultaneously sabotaged the intent of our founding fathers in our United States Constitution by including nonwhite people. We need only analyze the Preamble to become aware of this...