With this paper we cover another phase of the intrigues of Ron Wyatt and company. With this issue we will consider that the Exodus from Egypt by the Israelites involved travel by both land and water. In fact, had there not been a nautical route as well as a land route, the whole expedition could not have happened! To demonstrate this, I will quote chapter 2 entitled “The Nile Influence”, from the book ...
Outright Heresies
Here is a reproduction of page 154 where Jones lied about the song, “The Solid Rock” in his book The Babylonian Connection, distributed by Sheldon Emry of America’s Promise....
...With this exposé, we will scrutinize the hypothesis concerning “telegony”, which is a superstitious belief that goes back hundreds of years. I covered this same subject in an article I entitled Special Notice To All Who Deny Two Seedline, #18. This false premise is rearing up its ugly head again, so I will repeat what I said in that article, adding more data to show just how fraudulent such a belief is! Before...
The moral to the story is: Don’t send your preacher or priest on an errand to the grocery store, for it’s hard to tell what he might come back with! In some ways, this paper parallels my essay Clergy Claims God Committed Fraud. It is sad, but all of this lack of...
There was a true and necessary Day of Pentecost, but what we are witnessing today in the name of Pentecostalism is completely phony. And what is known today as the charismatic movement is nothing more than neo-pentecostalism of the most detrimental kind. I don’t capitalize the names of these two movements as they don’t deserve it. Whenever one must bring rattlesnakes into a congregation to prove he has the Holy Spirit, he is degrading the Holy Spirit to the...
I will repeat again: There was a true and necessary Day of Pentecost, but what we are witnessing today among these movements is a complete hoax, and there’s nothing Christian about them. There are several disturbing aspects concerning these movements. They are fanatics, concocting false heretical prophecies which Scripture doesn’t support in any way. One group of charismatics based in Kansas City, Missouri demonstrates just how far they will go to abuse the...
Right: “Rabbi” Pete Peters shows his true colors, in more ways than one. Allegedly this picture of Pete Peters dressed up like a rabbi was supposed to be a joke of some kind. 1 Thess. 5:22 says: "Abstain from all appearance of evil." Peters should be exposed for his taking it upon himself to appear like a Christ-killing Canaanite-jew!
Hear it from the...
Papers Written in Response to Ron Wyatt and his defenders:
If one will check with a good English dictionary, one will find “presupposition” is defined to mean “to take for granted”, or “to suppose or assume beforehand”. The flawed premise that Satan is still presently in heaven is a typical “presupposition” and cannot be substantiated anywhere in Holy Writ! To definitively resolve this issue, it will be necessary to focus on both Yahweh’s domain and where Satan is dwelling at the present time.
The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 5 – Christogenea on Talkshoe, June 22nd, 2012 (in part): Last week discussing Luke chapter 4, it was made evident in more than one way that...