24 Special Notices to All Who Deny Two-Seedline

It is highly important that we continue to pursue the subject of Two Seedline as taught in Genesis 3:15. The word “seed” in that verse is the same for the “serpent” as it is for the “woman.” Doggedly, the antichrist, anti-seedliners are insistent on interpreting the seed of the woman as “physical”, while rendering the seed of the serpent as “spiritual.” Yet “seed” in both cases is the same Hebrew word, #...

Many may be wondering why I am so unremitting and dogged in my staunch position on Two Seedline doctrine. To make my stance perfectly clear, and so there will be absolutely no question in anyone’s mind where I’m coming from on this issue, I will lay it all out before you. There were four principal men who taught Two Seedline who are now dead and are not in a position to defend themselves. These men...

Again, the subject of Two Seedline must be brought to the forefront of our attention. Because the agenda of the enemy is to destroy the White Israel Race, we find ourselves in a WAR, and this subject cannot be passed over lightly. We observe this unnatural phenomenon going on wherever we turn. We cannot go shopping or eat out at a restaurant without seeing this shameless manifestation of the race-...

Unless one thoroughly understands the significant consequences of Genesis 3:15, he simply cannot comprehend the main theme of the Bible. Without this crucial passage, one has no hope in our Redemption. The major tenets of our Faith depend on our understanding thereof. It is paramount we fathom that Yahweh came in the flesh; dwelt among us in the flesh; was...
