Wolves Declare Their Sheep-Killing Plans “Forgeries”, #1



From the book, The International Jew by Henry Ford, Sr. (abridged and prepared by Gerald L.K. Smith, pp. 5-8):


At the apex of his business career Henry Ford, the industrial genius, sensed that a terrific effort was being made to take his business from him and manipulate it into the hands of the moneychangers. Mr. Ford had the impression that these manipulators were being engineered by powerful Jewish financiers.

He called to his office the most intelligent researcmen within his acquaintance. He commissioned them to make a thorough study of the international Jew and publish their findings in The Dearborn Independent, which at that time was the official organ of the Ford Motor Company. No expense was spared, and it is estimated that literally millions of dollars were spent by Mr. Ford on this project. The original articles were carried first in The Dearborn Independent, and then published in book form.

I have in my possession every copy of The Dearborn Independent. This complete set is beautifully bound in Morocco leather and was given to me by an inner-circle member of Mr. Ford’s personal staff.

When the report on The International Jew was originally published it opened each chapter with a text taken from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, or from the published statements of world prominent Jews. The moment the manuscripts dealing with the Jewish problem reached the public, a terrific howl went up from official Jewry. If I were to summarize the campaign of reprisal and abuse which was carried on against Mr. Ford and his Company, this summary alone would require a book. Every instrument of torture and abuse which could be imagined was carried on against Mr. Ford – smear, character assassination, ridicule, physical threat, boycott. The pressure was constant, consistent and endless. The most powerful and enigmatic pressures imaginable were brought to bear on Mr. Ford to stop the publication of The International Jew. Finally the order came through to cease publication and to destroy the copies which were available. Jews and others went into the bookstores and bought and destroyed all copies which could be found. Sneak thieves were commissioned to visit libraries and steal the report out of the libraries. This made the book so rare and unfindable that it became a collector’s item.

The day finally came when the one ambition of the Jews was fulfilled. Mr. Ford apologized for publishing The International Jew and blamed subordinates for the deed.

In 1940 I interviewed Mr. Ford on numerous occasions. In fact, on the day before his first automobile was put under glass he and Mrs. Ford invited Mrs. Smith and myself to be their guests at Dearborn. On this occasion he told me the whole story of his first car and how he happened to make it. Among the precious souvenirs which have come to Mrs. Smith and myself is a New Testament autographed by Mr. Ford, and handwritten letters from Mrs. Ford commenting favorably on some of my speeches and expressing in her own handwriting Mr. Ford’s appreciation for my activities.

It was on the occasion of one of these personal visits with Mr. Ford that he gave me a sensational and shocking report. He said: ‘Mr. Smith, my apology for publishing The International Jew was given great publicity, but I did not sign that apology. It was signed by Harry Bennett.’

For the information of the reader Harry Bennett was a very officious and aggressive employee of the Ford Motor Company. He presumed his way into the confidence of Mr. Ford and later became known as an enigmatic and obnoxious personality. Space will not permit a thorough discussion of the activities of Harry Bennett. Mr. Ford’s personal secretary for 34 years, Mr. Ernest Liebold, told me that one of the worst things that ever happened to the Ford Motor Company was the employment of Harry Bennett. For a certain period of time Bennett exerted virtually a dictatorial control over the affairs of the Company. His alleged deeds, if summarized, might make rather a scandalous book.

When Mr. Ford told me that he had not signed the apology, it seemed almost unbelievable. In fact, I could scarcely believe my own ears. Furthermore, on the occasion of this same visit, Mr. Ford said: ‘Mr. Smith, I hope to republish The International Jew again some time.’ He showed no signs of regret for having published it in the beginning.

I did not report this conversation even to my most faithful followers because the original ‘apology’ had been so thoroughly publicized that I knew it would be difficult to make people believe what I had heard from Mr. Ford’s own lips.

After Mr. Ford died, the man Harry Bennett evidently was very much disillusioned and embittered by the fact that he did not share generously in the inheritance. He collaborated with a Jew by the name of Paul Marcus in the writing of a book entitled We Never Called Him Henry.

Here is Mr. Bennett’s own story concerning the much publicized ‘apology’ Mr. Ford is supposed to have made for exposing the machinations of The International Jew. Here are Mr. Bennett’s own words:

“‘I got in touch with Arthur Brisbane, and through him learned that the American Jewish Committee could settle the matter. I entered into negotiations with Samuel Untermeyer and Louis Marshall of that organization, and with Brisbane. They drew up the now-famous ‘apology,’ which was to be the basis for a settlement. In this formal statement, it was said that Mr. Ford would see to it that no more anti-Semitic material circulated in his name and that he would call in all undistributed copies of The International Jew, which were booklet reprints of the (Dearborn) Independent’s articles. For the rest, the ‘apology’ said that Mr. Ford had had no knowledge of what had been published in the Dearborn Independent, and was ‘shocked’ and ‘mortified’ to learn about it.

“‘Arthur Brisbane brought this statement to me at 1710 Broadway. I phoned Mr. Ford. I told him an ‘apology’ had been drawn up, and added: ‘It’s pretty bad, Mr. Ford.’ I tried to read it to him over the phone, but he stopped me.

“‘So I signed Mr. Ford’s signature to the document. I had always been able to sign his name as realistically as he could himself. I sent the statement to Untermeyer and Marshall. The signature was verified, and the case was closed.

“‘All this was done without Mr. Ford’s taking anyone else into his confidence. Edsel knew nothing about it, and Cameron and Senator Reed heard about it by reading the papers.

“‘Cameron’s reaction was quoted by the newspapers: ‘It’s all news to me and I cannot believe it is true’.” [end]

Later, Mr. Bennett’s story appeared in abbreviated form in True Magazine. The above quotation appeared on page 125 of that magazine for October, 1951.”


From the book A Century of Jewish Life, by Ismar Elbogen, pp. 560-566:

American Jewry was in need of strong leadership for it was soon exposed to an unexpected storm, to what Christian Americans called a ‘new and dangerous spirit, one that is wholly at variance with our traditions and ideals and subversive of our system of government.’ The isolationists wished to guard the people against being swallowed up by European intrigues, but they tolerated the importation of the most evil outgrowths of European hatreds. War enthusiasm was followed by a period of sobering which developed into an intense dislike of foreigners. The Nordic principle was discovered, and the United States was declared the preserve of Nordic peoples. The arrogant Ku Klux Klan, which had been slumbering for some decades, awakened to new life and extended its original program of suppressing the Negro to include Catholics, Jews, and all foreigners, who were all to be eliminated from political and economic life. This narrow-minded secret organization with its ridiculous mummery could have done no considerable damage if it had not been helped by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which provided effective material for agitation.

Capital and Society trembled, as they did in England, before the specter of Bolshevism. Anti-Bolshevist emissaries used the social and financial resources of these groups to corrupt public opinion under the cover of anonymity and to sow hatred and prejudice among the citizens of the United States. Not only were the Protocols newly printed, but a series of popular exploitations of their contents was spread broadcast. They purported to prove a pretended conspiracy of Jews and Freemasons to overturn the economic system of the world by inciting warfare and revolution. This fable was given credence in the educated society of enlightened America, just as the Middle Ages gave credence to stories of witchcraft. They were accepted as true, though the publishers of the stories could not themselves suppress their doubts of their authenticity.

Henry Ford was the most successful industrialist in the world, and believed that he was also the cleverest man in the world. He felt called upon to solve social problems, and put the columns of the Dearborn Independent, a weekly founded by the Ford Motor Company and distributed gratis in hundreds of thousand[s] of copies, at the disposal of an unrestricted campaign against the Jews. In a moment of discouragement he had fallen into the hands of a number of journalists of the German racial school, and they abused his gullibility and wealth to set before the American public the dreariest fabrications of antisemitic fraud concerning the alleged international Jewish conspiracy. In order to strengthen the effect, the weekly articles were from time to time assembled into pamphlets under the title The International Jew.

The Jews suffered severely from this carefully thought out and concentrated attack, which ran absolutely counter to every American tradition. Such mass slander could not be ignored, and the large Jewish organizations felt it their duty to take a stand. A common declaration, signed by the representatives of the entire body of American Jewry, by the synagogue associations of the various shades and their respective rabbinic organizations, by the American Jewish Committee, the Zionist Organization of America, the Provisional Congress Committee, and the Independent Order B’nai B’rith, was issued on December 1, 1920, under the title An Address to Their Fellow-Citizens by American Jewish Organizations. External proof that the Protocols were a base forgery was not yet available, but a detailed analysis demonstrated the falsity of the document on internal grounds and the utter impossibility of Jews being responsible for its contents. Similarly the baselessness of the assumption of the identity of Judaism and [with] Bolshevism was shown, and the true purpose of the publication revealed. The Jews were not alone in protesting. A few days later representatives of thirty denominations and 150,000 churches were assembled in Boston at a convention of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America and adopted a resolution:

... deploring all such cruel and unwarranted attacks upon our Jewish brethren, and in a spirit of goodwill extending to them an expression of confidence, earnestly admonishing our people to express disapproval of all actions which are conducive to intolerance or tend to the destruction of our national unity through arousing racial division in our body politic.’

On Christmas eve the American Committee on the Rights of Religious Minorities issued a similar protest condemning every effort to arouse passion against minorities. In the middle of January 1921 there followed a protest of 119 distinguished American Christians from every walk of life under the leadership of President Wilson, ex-President Taft and of William Cardinal O’Connell ‘against this vicious propaganda.’

We call upon our fellow-citizens of Gentile birth and Christian faith, [they said] to unite their efforts to ours to the end that it may be crushed. In particular, we call upon all those who are moulders of public opinion to strike at this un-American and un-Christian agitation.’

John Spargo, the writer, who had been responsible for this declaration, supplemented it by a brochure entitled The Jew and American Ideals. Jewish organizations, and in particular the Anti-Defamation League of the Independent Order B’nai B’rith, circulated literature in defense. The American Jewish Congress, which had been planned for only a single meeting and had already been declared dissolved by its president, decided to remain a permanently active body. The permanent organization was founded in May 1922 in order: ‘... to further and promote Jewish rights, to safeguard and defend such rights wherever and whenever they are either threatened or violated; generally to deal with all matters relating to and affecting specific Jewish interests.’

Nathan Straus, the universally admired philanthropist, was the first president of the new organization, and in 1925 he was succeeded by Stephen S. Wise, who in one capacity or another has remained the spiritual leader of the Congress. Most of the tasks the new organization undertook were identical with those of the American Jewish Committee, and in times of great need they have worked together.

In the meanwhile the Constantinople correspondent of the London Times, Philip Graves, discovered the original model of the Protocols. Herman Bernstein, the writer (1876-1935), later American Minister to Albania, discovered the copies of the Protocols in Russian, which had been dedicated to the Czar, and in his History of a Lie he gave a detailed exposé of the crude motives and methods of the forger. In any other concern such compelling evidence would have made the further use and propagation of such base frauds impossible. But since it was a question of Jews, the discredited rubbish continued to circulate as current coin. Out of the stores of the Dearborn Independent, The Ford International Weekly, stench bombs continued to be hurled to vitiate the atmosphere, and the marksmen had no reason to complain of want of success. The press, which was conscious of its responsibility, refused to publicize the matter, but there were representatives of public opinion such as judges, educators, statisticians, and a number of members of Congress who were only too eager to swallow these charges.

A dreary symptom of the devastating effect of racial prejudices was offered by the president of Harvard University, who could find no other remedy for a situation that troubled him than the establishment of a numerus clausus for Jews. The Overseers of the University were sufficiently liberal-minded to reject the proposal directly. But that such a suggestion could have been made in a democratic country by the head of one of the oldest and most distinguished seats of higher learning was alarming enough. Other academic institutions employed the numerus clausus tacitly, its existence being an open secret ... Many hospitals did not accept Jews as internes; in others the Christian internes made things so disagreeable for their Jewish colleagues that it amounted to a practical boycott.

At a time when Jews were being subjected to a constant, screaming barrage, their hands were strengthened when President Coolidge, a thorough New Englander by descent and convictions, repeatedly and unequivocally expressed himself against racial hatred and in favor of the American tradition of tolerance which had undergone trial by fire during the World War ... ‘The Jews [he declared in one of his speeches] have always come to us eager to adapt themselves to our institutions, to thrive under the influence of liberty, to take their full part as citizens in building and sustaining the nation, and to bear their part in its defense, in order to make a contribution to the national life fully worthy of the traditions they had inherited.’

But the hope that these exalted pronouncements of the President of the United States would drown out the outpourings of fanatical bigots was frustrated. Ford’s buccaneers of the press continued unchanged their work of slandering Jews individually and collectively. It was the nemesis of the German spirit; it was as if the hydra of Ludendorff, whose head appeared to have been struck off, had sprouted a thousand new heads upon the soil of the United States and was devastating the body politic with its poison. For over six years the monster raged on, and it appeared that it would never be subdued. It was Aaron Sapiro, a young Chicago lawyer, who found a vital spot. Sapiro was attorney for a number of cooperative agricultural produce organizations. The slanderers on The Dearborn Independent accused him of running these organizations exclusively for his own profit, and Sapiro entered suit against Henry Ford. Efforts were made to delay the action, but all pretexts were finally exhausted and the case came to trial in 1927 in Detroit, where all of the machinations of The Dearborn Independent were laid bare. Henry Ford suddenly came to realize the abysmal depths into which he had been drawn, and as a man of determination he seized the occasion for freeing himself. After reaching an agreement with Louis Marshall, Ford made public a statement in which he acknowledged his error.

“‘To my great regret (it read, [notice, not spoken]) I have learned that Jews generally, and particularly those of this country, not only resent these publications as promoting anti-Semitism, but regard me as their enemy. Trusted friends ... have assured me in all sincerity that in their opinion the character of the charges and insinuations made against the Jews, both individually and collectively, contained in many of the articles which have been circulated periodically in The Dearborn Independent and have been reprinted in the pamphlets mentioned, justifies the righteous indignation entertained by Jews everywhere toward me because of the mental anguish occasioned by the unprovoked reflections made upon them ....

“‘... I deem it my duty as an honorable man to make amends for the wrong done to the Jews as fellowmen and brothers, by asking their forgiveness for the harm that I have unintentionally committed, by retracting so far as lies within my power the offensive charges laid at their door by these publications, and by giving them the unqualified assurance that henceforth they may look to me for friendship and good will .... Finally, let me add that this statement is made of my own initiative and wholly in the interest of right and justice and in accordance with what I regard as my solemn duty as a man and as a citizen.’

Marshall’s reply is evidence for his wisdom, dignity, and magnanimity: ‘The statement which you had sent me gives us assurance of your retraction of the offensive charges, of your proposed change of policies in the conduct of The Dearborn Independent, of your future friendship and good will, of your desire to make amends, and what is to be expected from any man of honor, you couple these assurances with a request for pardon. So far as my influence can further that end, it will be exerted, simply because there flows in my veins the blood of ancestors who were inured to suffering and nevertheless remained steadfast in their trust in God. Referring to the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, Israel Zangwill once said that we Jews are after all the only Christians. He might have added that it is because essentially the spirit of forgiveness is a Jewish trait.’

Ford kept his word faithfully and forbade the reprinting of any of his previous publications against the Jews. But the damage had been done, the virus had been scattered, and it was used in quantities not only by Theodor Fritsch, the hero of antisemitic falsification in Leipzig, but also by the Klansmen in the United States. And, as if there were not enough points of irritation, the ‘Britons’ of England felt obliged to dump their own wisdom regarding the Protocols upon the American market ....”

If Ford apologized, why then did the wolves use the “Ford Foundation” for their subversive activities?

WHO ARE WE TO BELIEVE, THE SHEEP OR THE WOLVES? Gen. 3:15, John 8:44 & 1 John 3:8!